
Chapter 191

Leaving behind two men who'd gotten their big 'O's cut short ? and feeling a little guilty about it ? Carlie found her way back to the main group, Acat and Chaob not far behind her.

As she strolled alongside the warrior toting her sister, her wanna-be husbands thought to lecture her. "You will not tell her we are shape-shifters or speak of it unless she undergoes the ritual."

"She is not undergoing the ritual." On this, Carlie just wouldn't budge.

"It's too late for that. The males already accepted the challenge. Fear not, the outsiders are strong. They might prevail."

Judging by the bruises marring the returning party, and Acat's previous colorful black eye, Carlie judged they'd do better than that. Hopefully, they didn't believe in a forced forever-after like her pair and would bring Ruth home safe and sound, if a little more worldly than before.

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