
Chapter 157

Ruth heard mention of her sister by the gorgeous tanned man, and not thinking ? yeah, her blondeness overcame her common sense ? she stepped into danger. Whisked away from her group ? and the safety Joel and Kendrick imparted ? she instantly regretted it as bodies, naked but for strips of leather holding minimal scraps of fabric around the hips, herded Ruth much like a dog, not quite touching her, but nonetheless getting her moving in a direction of their choosing.

Disconcerting to say the least, especially given they towered over her, and despite their lack of weaponry, exuded a dangerous air that made her fear not only herself, but also the men she left behind.

What have I done?

On the one hand, she wanted to find her sister and discover what the guy meant when he called Carlie his mate, but on the other hand, hearing Kendrick's annoyed rumble and yell for her to get her ass back made her gnaw her lip in indecision.

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