
Chapter 128

Haven't I had my share of bad luck yet?

"What do you mean the group started without us?" Kendrick growled, not that the wizened old man before him seemed to care.

"You were late. They left." Gnarly shoulders shrugged.

"Because the bus from the airport got a flat."

"Still late."

"But I'm supposed to lead the damned expedition."

"Then you should have set a better example and arrived on time," the old geezer announced all too smugly.

"Well that's just freakn' great." And getting mad at the guide, the only other one available, unfortunately, wouldn't change a damned thing.

It seemed things went downhill the moment after they stepped on the plane. Or as Joel joked, they must have offended Lady Luck because since their departure, they'd encountered nothing but problem after problem, which translated into delay after delay.

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