
Chapter 44: True Nature

DANTE PAUSED BEFORE SQUATTING back down to find me with the flashlight. I squinted against its brightness.

"Aw, did you miss me already?" He turned off the flashlight and set it on the floor next to him.

"Tell me more about what I am," I croaked.

He had called it my "true nature" before. I'd always thought that referred to the type of person you were, not what kind of being you were. Did an animal act solely based on its biological makeup or on something else I couldn't name, maybe its soul? Personality? Was it a mix of them all? Was a being's true nature a combination of all these things? It didn't seem fair to lump a person's true nature in one category. To me, the true nature of a being was as unique as a fingerprint.

"Sure, Tru. I wonder which one it is? Your father or mother?"

"What about them?"

"Was it your father or mother that spawned you? You know, which one of them was akharu or usemi?"

"Easy. Neither." What was he talking about?

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