
Test Me


 "Why would you want to do that? You won't get anything from him but taunts," Atlas commented.

 "And all it's going to do is give you something to think about, which is what Levi and the other gods warned you not to do," Matt added as he tossed a few peanuts into his mouth.

 Serenity grimaced at them; "I just want to stand outside of his cage and tell him that he failed. No matter what he tries, no matter how he twists the people around me: he's already lost."

 "That's a little petty to me, but whatever floats your boat," Atlas commented.

 Serenity looked at Atlas with a stern expression; "Did you ever think that if Uranus didn't go nuts and eat his kids in the first place, then maybe the Titans wouldn't been so messed up? And the war would've never happened?"

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