
Rhea’s Hate(Part One)


 "Why is Rhea here?! Did you have her prisoner this whole time?!" Serenity yelled as soon as she saw the former Merfolk Queen.

 Her crimson-colored hair was matted and dirty, and the dress she wore was filthy and torn in various places. She looked almost nothing like her former regal self except for her striking facial features. As Matt watcher her coughing and drifting to the side with the light push of the currents, his fury smoldered within him.

 Rhea wasn't even a 'decent' person by most standards, but she still didn't deserve to be mistreated so badly. As he moved to swim forward, Serenity held her hand out in front of him as she stared at the four guards directly in front them..

 "They're like that one Undine guy that tried to kill me.. Medeva juiced them up on her Darkness. Be careful: they can do similar stuff to her like make clouds and weapons."

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