
Value In Food Choices

Matt didn't like the expression that Serenity had gotten after she'd killed Baskil. It was heartless and heartbreaking at the same time..

 Killing was a chargeable offense in their world, but here: it was commonplace. The Aquarian environment was harsh, and the people, regardless of race; killed each other without batting an eye over it.

 It had unnerved Matt at first; life in general had little value here. After the handful of attempts on his life over the years, he had become indifferent to killing. A skirmish he'd had with a group of rogue Gorgons shortly after he'd assumed his crown had all but destroyed the last traces of his humanity.

 As he looked over his wife, Matt feared that by the time the war had ended: Serenity would lose her sense of value in life as well. He was watching it slip away right now..

 As they readied to start heading back, Matt grabbed his wife's hand; "Wait, Ren. I need to talk to you before we go."

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