
Undying Gratitude

 The group chatted amongst themselves as several Selkies pushed Serenity, Selena, and Matt along. Levi had shrunk down to about the size of a house cat to fit into Selena's tank comfortably. He wasn't a fan of walking, and preferred to stay in water anyway.

 Actaeon's hands were trembling as they walked through the village,and headed straight for Arianna's garden. Several Selkies saw the pelt in their King's hands, sending a wave of hope throughout the village. Many started to follow behind the group as they turned the corner, and approached the Queen..

 Arianna was sitting on her bench, organizing groups of flowers as decorations for an upcoming wedding. An enormous grin stretched across Actaeon's face as he watched the love of his life sniff at a flower with a soft smile. Hearing the commotion, she turned her head..

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