
Arrival of the Queen

( AN: Hello readers this is your author khagetane here, Guys for some unknown reason their are a lot comments I could not read it fully. When I tried to open it,. it's just gone..... from the comments section. Does anyone know why that is ?

And also you guys can check out my other story if you like. Anyway enjoy. )

(283 AC the day Rhaella Targaryen arrived at the capital)


When queen Rhaella arrived at the capitals harbor with handful of her loyal Men and the entirety of the naval fleet. Everyone was surprised was an understatement. I wished I could have made a bet with John Arryn.

But now if I think about it she didn't have much of a choice on the matter. She doesn't have anyone that she could rely on. She can't even fully trust most of people under her command. Because those men's family life is in risk at the hands of the Rebels.

The Most of the loyal Men that came with her to negotiate were notable houses of the crownlands include Bar Emmon, Celtigar, Massey, Sunglass, and Velaryon.

I was surprised that she did not brought her youngest son Viserys with her. If she send him to Essos then it will cause trouble for her in the negotiations. But thankfully she announced that her son was sent to the Nightswatch. It was good decision on her part, In the Nightswatch Viserys has a family member, his great great uncle Aemon Targaryen the Maester of castle black. He can take of the young prince. And a lot of Targaryen loyalist will be there as well, So overall at least Viserys Targaryen will be treated in the Castle black as a King in Exile by His/Targaryen loyalist , rather than the bagger King in original storyline. It was a hard decision for Queen Rhaella I'm sure, But for her son's safety it is a good decision.

Because if she send him to Essos then Robert would surely send assassin's after him.





The pregnant Queen is surely exhausted by journey but fire of resolve is burning in her like a wildfire, And it seems like she found the reasons to protect her family and so as the only remaining adult Targaryen she decided act on it.

The negotiations started at harbor.

She told Lord John Arryn and lord Hoster Tully that she is here to surrender her Kingdom with only few condition.

1st condition is That the new regime should not harm the Lords that sided with the Targaryens and fought against them. And 2nd condition is safety for her unborn child and return Elia Martell to Dorne.

Then the Queen formally apologized for the crime her family her husband and Son committed and asked for forgiveness.

This is something never happened throughout the Targaryen history, And no Targaryen monarch never had to apologize to save themselves.

It's all became possible because they don't have their dragons and good family relationship with major lords that rebelled .

And this marked the end of Targaryen dynasty.

Lord Arryn discussed the Queens conditions with Lord Hoster and few of his closest men including me and accepted all the condition she brought up.

So The Queen Rhaella Targaryen will abdicate her throne and name Robert Baratheon as the next Ruler.

She will be keeping the title as queen dowager or dowager queen (compare: princess dowager or dowager princess) is a title or status generally held by the widow of a king. In the case of the widow of an emperor, the title of empress dowager is used. ... A queen mother is a former queen, often a dowager queen, who is the mother of the reigning monarch. And in this case aunt of the reigning King. Because Roberts father Steffon Baratheon was Queen Rehalle's actual cousin.

And Now for time being she'll be staying with Elia Martell as royal hostage. And her permanent residence will be decided latter by Robert himself.

And about the fate of her unborn child is that if she gave birth to a boy then in his 15th name day the boy will be joining the Nightswatch just like his brother Viserys. And if the Queen gave birth to a girl then she'll betrothed to John Arryns son which is both Lord Arryn and Lord Tully expecting from Lysa.

And it was my suggestion, that I suggested to the both lords, And that earned me a few thumbs up and cookie points.

Nothing is absolutely certain about this betrothal. But it's seems like possible protection for the Queen who lost her kingdom. Robert may not like it, but he can't do anything to undo the anything. Because he doesn't even had the actual power or loyalty of his own bannermen at the beginning of this rebellion. All this rebellion happened because John Arryn choose Not to cut off Robert and Neds head and "Called The Banner !".

And Ned stark will do what lord Arryn and Neds father in law Hoster Tully tells him to do. And Robert can suck it if doesn't like it.

And a group of diplomatic representative on a special mission was formed with few important Lords and knights immediately.

The members of this group is Lord Jason Mallister, Lord Royce, Ser Brynden Tully , Kevan Lannister, Lord Sumner Crackhall and master Mark Ryswell.

And also lords from crownlands include Bar Emmon, Celtigar, Massey, Sunglass, and Velaryon and rest of the surrendered Targaryen navy will be going to Stormland as insure that the queen did surrendered and the war is over. The diplomatic lords tasks is to bring back the Tyrells and their bannermen to bend the knee, and join the new regime. And this diplomats team are all departed from kingslanding to Stormland immediately.

After that finished we returned to the Redkeeps with Queen Rehalle.

But something really unexpected happened when we were not very far from the castle.

We got attacked by a group of violent Mob,

specifically Queen Rehalle's carriage, got attacked by a heavily armed violent Mob. Thankfully Me and my horse Stormwind and my subordinates were quick to response. And somehow managed to come over to her rescue.

The mob's are shouting that the Targaryens are incestuous abominations and should be purged.

I understand that a lot people hates the Targaryens, And I also expected something like this happen. As a acting master of law I'm in charge of keeping the peace inside the city. So I also kept tabs on these people, But the main question is Who armed them? Well, to me it doesn't actually matters, Cause untrained peasants slaughter is kinda becoming my daily routine.

well, this is a medieval world and human rights are not a thing yet. And if someone breaks the law then he must be punished to make example for others to not make the same mistakes.

And if i couldn't do the simple things like punishing the criminals, It'll make me incompetent in the eyes of other Lords.

Thus the violent Mob faced a brutal crackdown by me and my Mens. It's a total massacre.

But these mob's are quite heavily armed, not armoured and one of my subordinate was injured in process.

We captured two elderly looking mob for interrogation and send them to prison we killed at 70 off them and then the rest of them flead. And we also received 20 casualties and 10 injuries.

The carriage we brought for the Queen got badly damaged. The carriage got several slash marks and one of it's wheel got broken and the horses and drivers are killed as well.

When two knights struggling to open the carriage door I hurriedly came to help them.

With my brutal strength I removed the carriage door and rescued persons inside.

I sighed in relief when I found all of them unharmed. Lord Hoster received a minor injury in head again and Lord Arryn and Queen Rehalle seems to be fine because their luck had favoured them ? Though the pregnant Queen seems little scared by the event.

I asked them with all the concern I could mastered. "Your Grace, My Lords are you both alright?"

Lord Arryn checked the queen if she's fine or not and nodded.

" Alan...thank the Seven. What happened ? Who attacked us ?" Lord Arryn asked . basically demanded an explanation.

" An well armed group of Mob my Lord. And for some reason they specifically targeted the Queen. They may or may not aware that both of you were inside."

"Are they teken care of ?" Lord Hoster angrily asked holding his forehead. He seems pissed.

I nodded" Yes my Lord we have. But we made fatal mistake by not bringing more men, When they departed to the Gold cloak barracks. And I'll assure you my Lord that the criminals that ran away, I'll have their heads on a spike before dinner."

The answer seems to satisfied the furious Lord, " Good, make sure you hang them at the gates."

(AN: The Redkeep can't host the all the troops except the one that currently inside, So to accommodate them all , they are staying in the barracks of the gold cloaks and more high status one's are staying in the various inns and brothels).

Then I commanded the remaining knights stay high alert and protect the lords and I also sended two of them to bring another carriage and reinforcement. The castle just a walking distance so that's not actually needed.

Then Lord Hoster approached me, " What do you think ? Who armed them? I know that you at least have the knowledge about these brigands."

" Honestly speaking my Lord, I suspect the Lannisters."

" That's a dangerous accusation Alan ! I won't have you antagonized a major allies with wild speculation !" Lord Arryn almost shouted at me.

" I believe him" Surprisingly lord Hoster come my defense. Damn.. thanks old man, now I can truly believe in saving your ass was worth it.. twice!

" Look at the event lord Arryn. if we both died today then the lion would be the one, whom is going benefit the most from a situation like this" Lord Hoster calmly spoke about the situation. Well, that kinda makes sense.

" But why would Tywin do something so half arse like this in the first place? If he truly wanted to benefit by killing both of us and Queen Rehalle then we would be all dead by now. He wouldn't just send a bunch of unwashed brigands ! He would lead the process personally." Lord Arryn argued back.

Well, that's a good point. If it's Tywin Lannister then he wouldn't do something soo half ass job. He would finish it permanently.

So I suppose this was instigated by Faith of The Seven whom believes that the Targaryens are infidels and practices incests, and orchestrated the attack ? Probably.

Then I noticed that we are forgetting something or in this case someone.

Then I looked at the queen whom barely holding the throw up, The entire bloody scene around is not good for her health, Hell, it would make sick anyone without experience. Damnit we need to take her to the safety of the castle and fast.

I removed my helmet and asked the queen.

" Your Grace are you alright ?" wtf man why asked such question ! when you already know the answer. Who would be fine in situation like this? I asked myself..

" Y yes.. I am fine Ser." it took a little while to composed herself, but She somehow regained her Lady like demeanour.

"Sorry to do this my Lady but we need to move from here to a rather safe place." without explaining farther I carefully picked her up like a princess carry/ Bridal style carry. She was surprised was an understatement.

she stammered " S Ser, what are you doing ? "

" I apologize for my blunt approach your Grace, But most importantly we need take you safely to the castle. And even more importantly we need to move from here before those criminals reorganized and launch an another attack"

" I am still able to walk Ser."

" Your Grace with your condition, it'll only slow us down. And your in no condition to ride a horse either That will also harm the child inside you. And fear not my Lady I'll protect you with my life." The bold declaration caught her of gaurd and my classic smile.

She blushed at the blatant respond like a young maiden. And the two elderly lords stopped their argument and started to watching us. The White knight and the Queens interaction like a murmurs play. I know if this happened a year ago I would surely loosed my head for simply touching the queen. And knowing Aerys he would just burned me alive.

No matter which world you are, no matter what you do. you don't touch the Queen without permission. You just don't touch the Queen...!!! But I did it anyway.

But one of my subordinates could not hold it in and throw up seeing such interaction, And that killed the moods for everyone. And everyone looked at him with pure irritation. And if my looks could killed someone, I would surely strangled that imbecile.

Damn it Morty ...! can't you read the mood ?

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