
In kingslanding// POV Alban.

Ser Alban Whitesteel. Great-grandson of Aegor Bittersteel. Winner of the Harranhall squires' melee by defeating my own brother and Two of the squires of the crown prince. And a knight from the city of the kingslanding. Though I may not have many titles now, in time I will have more. Like Ser, Alan ones said title births titles. But we all know that he was quoting someone else. How he got all those wisdom I don't know. But he's damn good at hiding how he learned that.

It has been nearly two years now that Ser Alan has gone. Though not permanently of course.

I truly miss those days traveling one the road with Ser Alan. Killing some unfortunate bandits and saving some damsels in distress.

My most favorite time was in the Reach. Ah...! those young ladies from the Highgarden were the best.

But the best moment of my life was when Ser Alan knighted me. It is the dream of all boys to become worthy knight. Now I'm no longer a simple boy that some gold cloak can bully, But a 19 name days old, and nearly 6ft tall knight. I can kill Three of those incompetent gold cloaks with a single swing of my sword.

When we left Harranhall ser Alan gave us a mission. And It was not a slaying some bandit or saving a damsel, But to carry some letters for mother and cousin Rolf. Me and my brother were disappointed cause we couldn't see the joust. Because who doesn't want to see the main events? And as we were knights we could even participate in it. But duty comes first, And we obeyed our orders.

On our way to the kingslanding, we meet with Ser Jaime Lannister and a hundred of his lannister escort. He was a kingsguard now bound to serve the king and his family for life. Hold no Land, father no children. Becoming a kingsguard is one of the highest honors a knight could have. Though we did not paid him much attention and on our own way.

Me and my twin were curious about what could be in those letters?

Mother explained to us, that Ser Alan had some dreams about an upcoming war. He wrote that kingslanding is not safe for women and children. And ordered us to immediately move all the women and children to Bravos. And it should be done in great secrecy.

The letter also said that the boys that can fight should stay in the city. Only the none combatant will leave with the girls and the children will leave first. So he ordered all those that associate with us that cannot fight to leave the city.

why Bravos? Well, he explained that it's the best place for those that have wealth and ambition.

We were very skeptical about all of this evacuating stuff, But a few months later mother seriously took the initiative after learning the scandal of the crown prince.

And thus we started our evacuating plans. Mother, Rolf, Alaric, and 20 others that can fight had gone to Bravos first and they bought some building from the Sealord of Bravos. Then Rolf returned to kingslanding and Mother and Alaric stayed there. Cousin Rolf explained to me that For some reason the price of those buildings was remarkably cheap. Well, good for us, Because we do need some pretty big house for everyone.

Me and My sisters were left in charge of our establishments and businesses when they left. And My sisters did everything excellently. Though not as capable as mother but Well enough. They were so busy that they do not even have the time to take care of their own children.

And talk about the children, They were cute when they were babes, But now those cute little monsters are simply a menace. And the true meaning of terror comes when they cry.

Alice and Jane each have a boy. Ms. Darla a daughter and Ms. Ava a boy. Though the last two are much more tame than my sister's childrens. They have the hair color of their mothers. All them have Red eyes just like their father. Maybe it's a family trait! well, who knows?

Well, I never thought that the hardest thing in world was taking care of the children. Every moment is a nightmare, Gods have saved me because I had the old man Durran. Master Durran is very good at taking care of children. But there is a price he had to pay as well. Because none of his Beard and hair survived from the from those demons. So the duty of feeding the babies left to Ms. Darla, she may not be the mother of all of them, but she cares about all of them equally. And the only time those children stays silent when she feeds them.

Well, Ms. Ava is always busy because she is the only healer we have. And her job is more important than others.

Just as Ser Alan predicted or dreamed, the war has started in the seven kingdoms.

And all the associates our left for Bravos. I'm the only one that stayed. I feel bad leaving this place and these people of the city. Because I was born here, I grew up here. My family has no love for the Targaryens Because we fought for the Black dragons. But this city is still matter to me.

How did learned that my family served the blackfires? Because six months ago my mother revealed her history. How she and cousin Rolf come to Westeros. I was shocked After my mother told us about the story of her life. She was an God's damn spy and an assassin. And she told us the history of our great grandfather bittersteels. My mother was a shadow guard of the last Blackfire king Maelys the first and last of his name. Her story was as good as Ser Alan's . No I believe it's more better.

I stayed in the city for almost one and half a year as the Rebellion progressed. I learned all kinds of rumors in the city from the traders. One was that Robert Baratheon defeated the Lord of Gulltown. Then three army's in the Stormland. But then he got defeated by Mace Tyrell in the Reach.

He is currently on the Run, And the crown is gathering forces to subjugate him. And this loyalist army will be commanded by the current Hand of King John Connington. I ran to my house and met with Rolf.

After meeting with him I learned that somehow he sold out all our establishments. Today we'll be leaving with the coins for our new home in Bravos.

But I have different plans for myself. So I told him to go without me because I will be going somewhere else. I know he will try to stop me If told him what I am going to do.

Thus I joined The Royal contingent of 20 thousand knights and riders. I also made some connections with my commanding officer and some of the knights that joined the subjugation.

We came near Stony Sept where the Rebels are hiding.

I was astonished by our commanding general. And what did he do ? Well, Lord Conninton Instead of ordering townfolk to hand over the Rebels, He chose to search them himself door by door. I couldn't tolerate this idiotic move anymore, So I asked my commanding officer "Forgive me Ser Alliser Thorne, But I believe this is a waste of our time. We should burn this town along with those Rebels!!!"

The young knight look towards me and gave me an approving nod "Well, Ser Alban was it? I agree with you ser. But we are not in command so we must follow what our Lord hand commands, like it or not."

Then the towns large Bell started to Ring violently.

And I know something bad is going to happen next. I shouldn't have come here, now I regret it. What is the use of glory if your Dead?

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