
First victory for the Rebels

I never thought that it would be soo easy . like we just simply destroyed the main gate with the new tool . Though I could see that the defenders did there best and throw at us everything available . From fire arrows to giant logs but no serious damaged happened to us because those that pushing the Ram is well sheltered . And those that protecting it has a big Tower shield , but some did get injured from the logs .

After the gate is broken we decided to secure the area and signaled our troops . The fight was devastating for both sides and the gate was littered with dead body's .

Then our forces poured into the city . And Lord Grafton arrived with his forces to stop us . But that did not worked well for the Lord because he clashed with Robert Bratheon . And died in a glorious way or in a horrible way .

And damn ... Robert knows how to smash things . I don't want to recall it because Lord Graftons Head was obliterated .

I also fought a knight of house corbray , though I spared his life because house corbray did not join lord Arryn . And having him hostage would be a good choice.

With Lord Marq Graftons dead and the defenders surrenderd , And the city is taken . We celebrated our first victory . It was refreshing to how soldiers cheers after there hard work .

Though there is no sacking took place because most of the fighter were knights .So they don't need to do that anyway . And Lord Arryn strictly ordered not to sack it .



And rest of family members of lord Graftons were captured . And Lord Arryn spared everyone and made Gerold Grafton the new head of the house . And took some hostage to ensure that he stays loyal .

House Graftons is one of the Richest houses in westeros . And why is that ? Because they control one of the biggest city's in westeros . And Lord Arryn made use of his victory . Because house Graftons will be paying a huge sum of money for there trechary . And Lord Arryn will use it for his war affort .

Then we took control of the navy, though some of them willingly surrenderd but few of get away . I believe they gone to kingslanding.

A reven arrived with a news that Lord Eddard Starks have reached White Harbor safely . Lord Arryn was relieved by the news . And throw a victory celebration party .

Everyone cheered with joy , Robert was most loudest .

I received a New nickname and everyone started to call me Ser Alan Winters 'The Gate Breaker' .

And also I knighted my squires in front of everyone for there bravery .I should have knighted them earlier but I did not have many lords as witness . You will have more legitimacy if you have more strong witness .

The city was basically intact and so I explored a bit . And in the night I joined the party that being held in the manor of Gulltown Arryns . This guy's are a business tycoon , But looked down by everyone for there mercantile interests .

I was tasting few dishes from the table and suddenly a figure disturbed me . It was the same knight from house corbray . He thanked me for sparing his life and also told me that lord Arryn is calling me for some important reason . so I gave him my farewell .

When I reached main table I saw that John Arryn was discussing something with Robert who is very unhappy with John Arryns constant advices . But when they saw me they both smiled . Then Robert spoke with his booming voice " Ah.. The man of the hour is here " then took mug of wine " A toast for the Gate Breaker" Then everyone shouted "To the Gate Breaker" .

I kinda like this kind of attention from everyone in the hall . And the new title is making me blush it's not like I'm going around and breaking people's doors ! And to me sounds ridiculous .

Then I seated next to Robert and saw discussing what will be our next move . And Robert will be leaving to stromlands tomorrow or the next day . And Me and Five of my former squires will accompany him.. it's five because Ser Colt Backslash will be going back to Ironoaks and getting married to the maid that he fucked .

Though Robert asked lord Arryn for the vale navy but John Arryn refused because he will be needing that to defend the vale . It's true because it's the only way to successfully invade this country . So we will have to secretly return to stromlands and bypass the crown navy .

So we're doomed if the ship that we will be traveling somehow caught by the Royal Navy . But if the plot armour of Robert Bratheon is with us then I believe we will be fine .

After the discussion was over Robert Bratheon took me away from the old man started his drinking competition. We drank and danced with maids . And after getting drunk Robert took two of the maids with him to bed . Me and rest of the folks took our times and I sang few songs for crowd .

After some time when Everyone is pretty much drunk they started the same thing as Robert because there is no shortage of maids in a bustling city . But one thing that truly disturbed me is that currently we are in our weakest state . If a maid just started to slicing the throat with a fruit knife then lots of people is currently powerless to stop her .But it's just me thinking something pointless right now. But learned a few things from the Show So this time I was not very drunk because two years of experience made my mind a little harder . So when the three beautiful maids making there way into my dress I stopped them. They were a little scared by my outburst so I apologized .




" Okay ladies .... there is a time and place for this kind of stuff . And I'm not into the exhibition stuff . So let's get a room and before that tell me the names cause I'm not fucking without learning the names "....

(AN) Who wants some Action ? just comment . if you don't want it then comment that too .

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