
Surprising night activity (18+) warning

After that song ended all of them clapped their hands happily...

I stood up from my seat and give them a perfect minstrel bow.

I must say... From their expression, I might have performed pretty good.

Hmm... I can make a living out of this... hahaha... i thought that my self.. The singing is a very good profession of any world. It's one of main sector of entertainment as well.

And what Is cool?

= A Knight.

And what is cooler than a knight?

= Is a strong knight that have a very good armor

Also strong enough to take down other knights!!!

So what is cooler than a strong knight??

A knight that can make and sings new songs.

"hm... splendid Sir.... If I personally did not remove that armor of yours. I would think that a veteran minstrel just perform in my house." My Landlady complimented me and gave me a wink. It also gave me a shiver from some reason.

Anyway..... After that, I told them the story of the legendary knight King Arthur and the sword Excalibur.

The boys are fascinated by the legendary sword. And it's magical powers. They are also took very interested in the knights of the round table as well.

And the ladies were interested in politics and queen Guinevere. Also her private love affairs.

When that ended, Everyone is feeling a little sleepy so we gave each other good night and Left to our own room.

Though I'm not feeling very tired, But I do need some rest.

And my bed is on the other building so I took my leave without an escort.

But when I reached my building I looked back and I could see Mrs. Miranda standing at the door with a strange smile on her face. Then she closed the door.

And for some reason that gave me a little uncomfortable feeling. She is kinda how should I say this?..... Weird.

Well, I did think that she is in her forty but if I look carefully I can't pinpoint her actual age .she looks much younger in close range.

This world has tons of mystery... so that is just some minor things.

And hell.... melassandra was over who knows what age. And in her priestess form, every male likes to have a shot.

Anyway....I came to my room and slept...Ah... finally... Warm bed 🛏️ ...

Well, living in a fantasy world is not bad at all.







But unfortunately could not sleep much longer....

Because God damnit.... I need to pee ...and fast....

And there's no bathroom In medieval times. Shit... what should I do? Where fuck is the fucking chamberpots???? Whatever that is.

Well, the window is here for a reason, right? so I opened them up... But the problem did not ended there.....

Because of damn these medieval pants!!!

And this fucking pants do not have zippers...

Grrh... I'm still not used to this new life.

After finally... getting my pocket snake out.

I release the control of my body and enjoying the Bliss. Ah this is life 😙.....

Ah....Yeess.... it felt really good and so good that I forget that there's someone just grabbed it and started to rubb it.

And my reaction is?

I jumped from my position .. but that just happened In my mind.

But my body did not react .... strange.

And then I heard a familiar chuckle from my behind.

Thus I carefully removed the soft hands.

And faced my guest, whom came in my room in this late at night, uninvited.

The moonlight from windows focused on her Body.

She looks gorgeous.... With the lustrous body of here.

And who might that be?

It's none other than the Landlady herself.

"My..... that's not a way to treat a lady... aren't you a gentleman Ser. ?....fufufu." She laughed in her sexy voice.

No, I'm not letting my guard down this time.

So that someone could catch me with my pants down.

Damn....., even the word matched my situation.

" Why are you here my lady? surely it's not for some nightly companionship with a stranger ?"

" Of course not"...Her next move is just too surprising. That I could not properly response.

She stepped closer to me and grabbed my collar and brought me closer to her and spoke into my ears,"what do you think boy ? what is that your mind telling you, Can you even guess why I'm here ?"

Somehow I grasped the situation and what is actually going on here. And why is my body reactions is slow. So I hit my head on wooden wall and snapped out of it.

After that I violently grabbed her solder

" you practice magic ?" I angrily asked her and put a lot pressure as well.

But she is still kept her calm. And did not get scared at all. It's more like she's impressed, for some reason.

"Clever.... but no, it's no magic. Though I am still surprised, you have the knowledge of it. And very impressed that you can withstand my alchemy."

She softly spoke, And then I it clicked me, It was in that bottle of wine..... That only we drinked from it...

And in it was some kind of Sleep/love potion mix? But I can tell that, It didn't work out well for her very well.

"How long have you been here? no, it doesn't matter. But Why go all through this. I never thought you to be a person who likes to play with their customers in their sleep. But now that you're exposed please leave my room lady. This is your last warning." she knows that her wine bottle plan has failed And staying here not a very good option. Because my threat is very real.

But instead leaving she grabbed my manhood and Started her skilled handwork...

And my Rod starting to reacting as well.

M:-"Oh you can't refuse now Boy, Nobody is also allowed to in my house anyway. Also I can accuse you of rape. And you don't want that to happen, do you?. Because punishment for rape castration or to the wall. Though if you're captured then the second option is very much none existing."

Hmmm.....But I have my logic as well, "you are in my room my lady. I can accuse you, for false accusations. And besides why would I go for you? you do have beautiful daughters."

A groan left from my mouth when she violently grabbed the balls...

M:-"Mm.... So you think I'm undesirable? By your expression It does not feel like it. But no matter boy..... you have no choice here, And I know what you fear most and you'll do what I say at this very moment." she sat on her knees and took the My Rod in her mouth.

I groaned from her constant gukking, "aynd what is that I fear most?"

"your reputation " she simply replied. And again started to give me the blowjob.

And that is also triggering my body and mind.

I could not reply to her answer. but just grabbed her Head and drive down my 9 inches deeper in her mouth.

Few minutes later I could not hold it in anymore and released loads of white liquid in her mouth with a grunt and all strength in my lower part.

She just swallowed that in big gulp, So fast that I'm have a hard time seeing it.

I also thought about what she said.

I know that what she said is true.

Well if I lost my money ! I make more money in time.

But reputation just does not come to someone easily. And with bad reputation is very bad for business in any situation.

If lost the only valuable thing like reputation. Then my career kind of the End.

I she somehow ruined it then have to build it from scratch.. And if I Losing something as precious as reputation. I know can't regain that so easily, or ever.

So is she is trying to manipulate me ..

But why?

"And what is stopping me from actually raping you." she's recovering from her recent drink.

" Oh.... you can do that ? have you ever done it boy ?"

okay.... her calling me the boy, is a way of calling me a virgin right ?

Alright, I am one.... so what?

Now... I'm angry.

that's it. Fuck the consequences....

let's try what this body can do.

I grabbed her and she stood her up. Then looked her in the eye, she's just looked surprised by my sudden change or just she is expecting it I don't know.

But now I'll be going full beast mode.

I ripped her nightdress and throw it far away.

Her big mounds just spilled out in a jiggle...

Then I slammed her on the bed.... she gave a big yelp....

I grabbed one of her breasts and put it in my mouth and my other hand exploring her lower region.

I'm doing some rough stuff and she's just moaning in pleasure..and releasing her juice in my hand.

I took out my hand and shove it in her mouth...

she just gives me a wicked grin now I'm pissed.

I just roughly put her in the doggy style and brush my cock against her before entering I asked her where was she gained such knowledge.

she told me she's from Lys.

and I don't need to know more because of course she from there or where in the world would she knows about this type of knowledge ..and also explain her face and body youth.

So without any more delay, I slowly entered inside her and she screams in pleasure.

I grabbed both of her breasts from behind and pound her with all strength ..and damn her pussy wrapped my cock like an octopus.

.I fucked her in several positions I could remember.

after coming inside several times she surrendered

but I don't think I can stop now

so I fucked her half the night ...

when she's reached her limit and fainted I too was feeling tired and drink some water from nere by the jug.

when she waked up she asked if want to do some more.

I told her I need some answers and ...a bath

and new bedsheets I'm not sleeping in that mass.

she nodded and I waited for her finished her work ... after that, I came to the courtyard sat in the water, and make her rub my back.

then I sat her in my lap and asked about some of her personal histories. I listen to her story and rubbing her breast ... damn it feels good.

So the first question why any of her children didn't wake up?

so they eat something like a sleeping potion.

and why Rolf was not invited?

she told me that he's gone to brothels and spending some good times with a favorite whore.

after that, she told me that she is born in Lys and one of her parents was a bittersteels bastard.

she trained as an assassin, poison, and the sexual arts in Lys.

Yeah, That's a place where people do some Slaaneshi stuff and birth some chaos god.


she was captured in the nine penny war from my camp but not raped because her capturer was Raymond flowers from house Tarly .. after the war, he received this job as captain of goldilocks served splendidly, and built this inn with his hard-earned money.

she told me that she was trained to be a spy and an assassin for the Blackfire but there all dead now.

I asked what happened to her body if it magically altered to permanent youth.

she told that no it's just she's just chosen the safe one.

the one gives her ten more extra year's and the cost is she can give birth two times in her life that's all...

hm quite safe indeed.

also told me that only the Roh'lor priestesses

have the ability of permanent youth.

for some reason, I'm aroused again fucked her one more time oh she loves taking her from behind.

after that I finished my second shower and gone to bed she also joined in I protested of course.

but told me she will leave early tomorrow morning. but also told me that I'm a man now.

so this what you do in Westeros fucked the s*** out of it...

please guys give me some comments and review if really like my writing ...

that's won't cost you money but it will also inspire me to write something...

Kagetanehirukocreators' thoughts
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