
Reviews of Marvel's Spartan


Marvel's Spartan


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



FIRST THING FIRST DON'T READ THIS FANFICT IF YOU DON'T LIKE NETORASE AND POSSIBLY TRAPS It was good at first especially this is the first fanfic to have my blood pump though there is things in it that would make your brows churn in disgust, But you can still ignore it(Since it happended in the past) and enjoy the good read, Untill the author warned us that there would be netorase, And possibly gay stuff in the future which I'm really greatful about(I hate thosešŸ¤®) though I would preferred if the author instead put it in the tags in the first place instead of wasting my and the others time by having to read this till chapter 6 just to find out that there would be netorase and traps in it, This has a huge potential to be in the top but with that stuff in it? I doubt it would even reach top 100s

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this is so much fun. I can't wait for more XD!!!! then again I love anything "HALO". thank you for this fun experience . mooooooooooooooooooore please!


Me parece realmente interesante y seguire esperando actualizaciones Aunque veo a algunos quejandose del Netorase realmente no le veo el problema (es un detalle que hace que la historia se sienta mas real)