
CH947: Wedding II


CH947: Wedding II


[A.N: After a much needed sleep, I rewrote the latter end of the last chapter. No new details were added, I just rewrote it in a way that's more engaging. Certainly a less boring read than before. You can check it out if you have read the previous chapter before.]


There was a short intermission as the wedding moved from the chapel to the largest event hall on the Resort, which was the venue's Expo hall.

The event planners spent two full days with a generous workforce to decorate the Expo Hall for the wedding party.

The Resort couldn't or dared not guarantee the security of the venue due to the number and calibre of eminent personalities expected to grace the wedding. As a result, it was up to the event planners to secure the services of a security provider.

This was all too easy as the groomsmen offered to provide the security for the event as part of their wedding gift to the couple.

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