
CH871: The Sovereign Bazaar!  


CH871: The Sovereign Bazaar! 

It wasn't all gloom news in the global three months of conflict in the international community.

There was one positive news amongst the many negatives. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, it didn't receive as much attention as it should have amidst all the tension-laden chaos all over the world.

The world, or rather, the United Nations welcomed a new member into its fold!

A new Sovereign country was accepted by the committee of nations to join its illustrious fold.


The last month of the three months of conflict saw Bazaar heavily lobby to be recognised as a sovereign country and be accepted into the United Nations.

In actuality, Bazaar had been lobbying for years to be recognised as a Sovereign state, with Dirara championing the cause strongly in recent times, however, the country had not been able to get its claim into the ears of the major chambers of the UN.

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