
CH630: Last Stand


CH630: Last Stand

'I've had enough of these insects!' Demori said inwardly. 'I can feel better control over my ability. Let's try something new.'

Demori pounded on his chest.

The energy from the impact converted into thermal energy under the effect of his Will Ability, however, the man wasn't satisfied.

He used the Energy Control trait of a Grandmaster to gather the generated thermal energy into a spot by holding the energy to the surface of his chest. This caused the vibration of the surrounding air, which also generated more thermal energy which Demori added to the energy he was holding.

He soon reached a point where he couldn't hold more energy.

He looked up and smirked to the soldiers around him. Their faces paled as they realised he was up to no good.

"Bail out!" The soldier, who seemed to be the team leader, roared.

The soldiers dashed for a window without a second thought.

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