
CH552: Types of Diplomacy

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CH552: Types of Diplomacy

-Fatima, where are you? I have the target in sight. He's with company.-

-That should be his last companion. You need to go after them yourself. I've got a bomb in play at the plaza.- Fatima.

-Can you disarm it?- Temitope.


-Alright, I'm coming to you. How long before it goes off?-

-Three minutes.-

-I won't make it in time.-

-I'm coming to you.- Abdul-Lateef.

-What for? Can you disarm it?- Fatima snapped.

-I took a bomb disposal course.-

-I took the same course and I can't disarm it. Just focus on the target and don't let him get away. I'll deal with the bomb.-

-How are you going to do that?- Temitope.

-I'll think of something...-


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