

This is a passion work. So, I would really appreciate it if you leave behind a review when you're done reading.



There were currently four members of the Balogun Family in the Eagle Squad. Kola Balogun, Korede Balogun, Kunle Balogun, and one other. Kunle Balogun-Keshinro is Kola and Korede's cousin. His mother, Bisola Balogun is Babatunde's sister.

Kunle Balogun-Keshinro grew up in the Balogun family. He started attending the family's Summer camp at the age of eight like every other Balogun family descendant where he was introduced to Kola Balogun by his mother. The duo quickly became close like real brothers.

In fact, during the duration of every yearly summer camp, the children of the family in each generation grew as close as siblings. This was more so for the children of Bolaji, Babatunde, and Bisola Balogun. Like their parents, you could hardly tell they weren't true siblings.

Finally, when it was Korede's turn to attend the camp, he was closest to Kunle. Korede once said he had two brothers, Kola and Kunle. That showed how close they were, hence, Kunle's concern about sending Korede on such an operation for his first mission. However, he knew Kola was right. This was an order from above and there was nothing they could do.

The six top recruits walked into what looked like a mission briefing hall. There was a large screen on the wall at the end of the room. There were seats arranged in 6rows by 6 columns in the room. At the side of the room were computers with comms personnel in front of them typing away.

None of the recruits sat, they just stood by the empty side of the room. They didn't talk either, after all, they had just been told that their mission would be a tough one. Every one of them had something on their minds. Just then, another team of 5 soldiers walked into the room. They looked to be veterans and didn't show any of the nervousness shown by the recruits.

Korede observed the veterans and discovered something interesting. Among them, some had 'modified' their uniforms. For example, a female was wearing a uniform tighter than the norm that accented her figure, most especially her generous bosom and thin waist. The army allows members of Elite special forces units such as the Eagle squad to customize their uniforms according to their quirks as long as they meet a minimum standard. The uniform the female veteran was wearing made her look sexy.

'Seems to be someone who wants to turn heads with whatever she's wearing" Korede thought, as he evaluated her. While her clothing, some might say makes her look sassy, Korede would never for one second underestimate her.

For one, she was a female in the Eagle squad, that enough spoke for itself.

Two, boldly wearing what she's wearing showed a level of confidence to handle whatever annoyance that came with it. Recall that most soldiers are males who are on duty for long periods without a chance to have 'intimate' contact with the opposite sex. So, with one boldly 'provoking' them like this, some of them might lose their heads and do or say what they shouldn't.

As Korede was observing her, the female veteran suddenly turned in their direction and smiled. Korede subconsciously flinched, thinking she had caught him looking at her but quickly discovered that the smile was not directed at him but to another recruit behind him who seemed to have seen a ghost. The recruit seemed to be denying what he saw as his hands shook. Korede quickly identified the recruit and something clicked in his head after some thought.

'Now this is interesting' Korede thought, smiling in schadenfreude.

Before Korede could begin assessing other members of the veteran team, who had also looked over and started assessing the recruits, Colonel Kola Balogun and Second Lieutenant Kunle Balogun-Keshinro alongside one other man walked in.

"Everyone, take a seat." Colonel Kola Balogun said. The recruits found a seat to sit down. They sat in the second row behind the veterans. Second Lieutenant Kunle Balogun-Keshinro also sat with the veterans.

Second Lieutenant Kunle Balogun-Keshinro seemed to be their team leader because he sat in an empty seat purposely left in the center of the group. Seeing everyone had sat, Colonel Kola Balogun continued,

"This is a very vital operation, failure is not an option. So pay attention."

Everyone, both veterans and recruits, focussed instantly. Colonel Kola Balogun nodded his head and gestured to the man that walked in with him, to take the floor. The man walked to the front of the screen and said,

"My name is Special Agent Muritala Danjuma, Nigerian Department of Intelligence [NDI]." The man said.

Korede noticed Temitope flinch a little when the man introduced himself and he understood why.

The man continued, "Last week, an unidentified object crash-landed in the Zambisa forest which the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) confirmed was too small to be a standard satellite and probably a meteorite."

He gestured to one of the comms techs and a map and satellite image of the crash site was brought on the screen. He said, "Since none of our satellites crashed nor did anyone claim theirs to have crashed in the region, the crash was quickly ignored because of its location which is behind enemy lines. It was deemed 'unnecessary' to sanction a recovery mission. This was until the NDI acquired a recording between Ebele 'The Don' Donald, head of the Nigerian Mob, and an unidentified individual. The deeper voice belongs to the Don."

He nodded his head at the technician again and a recording was heard.

[It's not often time I get visitors from afar, I hope our accommodation and hospitality have been to your taste] Said a very deep voice

[I'm very satisfied.] replied a calm voice.

The deep voice which was The Don's voice continued, [Good, Good. I like my visitors well entertained before we discuss business. I find that wonderful deals are reached if both parties are in a good mood. Come, let's talk. What deal do you have for me?]

If one did not know the voice belonged to a criminal mastermind, one might think the person is a businessman eager to close a deal. Well, most criminal masterminds ARE businessmen at the end of the day. After all, most people won't commit a crime if they had nothing to gain.

The calm voice chuckled before saying, [I have heard of the Don's reputation. You live up to it. You can call me the Emissary. I help my clients acquire whatever they need from powerful individuals such as yourself discreetly while making sure both parties are happy at the end of the day and open to more possible future cooperation.

A few days ago, something crashed in the Zambisa forest and it is currently in the possession of the Haram Boys. My client hopes to acquire this object without alerting certain organizations. ]

Though the last sentence was said cryptically, an inference could easily be drawn.

[Haram Boys, huh? So you came to me since I sell equipment to them. I reckon you want me to put you in touch with them. Those nut-jobs won't easily meet with a new person otherwise] The Don said.

[It's truly easy to talk to smart people] The Emissary flattered. [Yes, it's exactly so. My client is worried directly sending someone to them might do more harm than good. We are ready to trade something we believe they'd want. A Dirty Bomb. Of course, the yield is not big but it should be enough to take out a military base if they can get it on site. As a sign of good faith, we've already sent the bomb components to their home base. The nuclear material and assembling instructions will be exchanged for the material.]

[If you want to get in contact with the Haram boys, I'm not sure I'm the best to help.] the Don said

[That's not what I've heard. It's said there's very little you can't get done in the country] the emissary argued.

[Calm down and hear me out.] the Don said in a light tone. [I'm a well-known 'businessman' in the country. I have 'fans' and 'paparazzi' waiting to see what I do. Because of this, I have had to hold a few 'charity' events. Hence, rumors of my 'patriotism' have spread. Using this, Duke, the head of NDz, has been able to win more equipment contracts from the Haram boys. So as I said, I'm not sure going through me is the best option. Rather, why don't I introduce you to my 'rival'?](1)

When the Don said the word 'rival', there was a strong disdain in his tone.

The recording went silent. After a short while, the Emissary's voice was heard.

[Wow, what a brilliant idea you have there. As expected of the person who runs the biggest 'free market' in Africa](2) The emissary said, seeming to have realised something.

The Don laughed in response. [I shouldn't hog all the best deals, it's good to throw those lower than me some meat once in a while. After all, it's lonely at the top.] The Don said, causing both men to erupt in laughter and the recording ended.

The briefing room was silent. Colonel Balogun coughed once and asked, "What can you discern from what you just heard?" However, no one said anything. He asked again, this time in a tone expecting an answer. "Recruits, I asked a question! What can you discern from the recording?"

The recruits were surprised that the question was directed at them. As if in prior agreement, four out of the remaining five recruits glanced at Korede Balogun. Noticing their glance, Colonel Balogun smiled and said, "It seems we have a representative to enlighten us. Recruit Korede, care to do so?"

Korede was shocked. He couldn't believe his fellow recruits just threw him under the bus. Seeing he had no way out, he stood up and shared his deductions.

[A.N: Please, don't forget to leave a review of the work to encourage me. Your opinion really matters to me.]


1 He is basically saying he's being watched. I figured a criminal mastermind who knew he's under surveillance wouldn't use incriminating words. Still think 'Haram Boys' is incriminating enough and considered using a code word or something but figured it's too weak a reason to convict him so I just went with it.

2 Free market is another way of saying Black market. It's called free market, I guess because you can get anything you want without worrying about the law. Of course, that's as long as you have the wealth to get it and power to keep it.

[A.N: Please, don't forget to leave a review of the work to encourage me. Your opinion really matters to me.]

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