
Chapter 891: Aftermath

Moreover, he was also very glad that he chose to listen to Lucifer and come out on his own. Now according to Lucifer's own words, he couldn't kill him. 

"It seems whatever you saw was really a dream," Lucifer commented. "I got excited for no reason."

"You promised me you won't kill me if I left and survived! You must keep your promise now!" Predictor stated. "I survived and fulfilled your condition, and I deserve to live."

"Of course, I always keep my promises. I won't kill you. You can leave," Lucifer lazily stated as he flew back inside the helicopter. 

Predictor couldn't believe he had survived. He had faced death in the face and came out surviving! He was so happy that he couldn't contain his smile. He tossed his head back and started laughing, lying on the warm sand. 

"So we are really letting him leave," Killian muttered, seeing Lucifer return. 

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