
Never knew something could hurt like this

We got back to the castle and informed the princess.

Beatrine sighed. "I suppose I'll have to keep my word. Minister, make the preparations for them to head to Alfeim as soon as possible." She probably didn't expect me to succeed.

"Very well, my lady."

I smiled. I was really happy. I would finally be able to repay my debt to Lianne. Although I might have reached a point where I couldn't really tell who was repaying who anymore.

"And about-"

"The village will be taken care of and we have come to a decision that there will be no more slums in the future. The state will provide for the family of the deceased." Beatrine didn't stutter for a second. It was as though she'd practiced this all along.

I chuckled. I couldn't control my laughter. She really did make my day. "Thank you," I spoke from the heart.

Beatrine only smiled in response.

I was leaving when Beatrine said," Let's just hope the debt you owe them is worth the risk."

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