
Grandpa Cadmus

Sylvia brought both her legs to one side and then slid down the soft golden brown feathers to get off the huge bird. She was now more used to the deceptively fierce looking yet gentle beast.

She then looked towards the side to see Roman already busy with a bunch of guards who had come running to him.

They were all talking to him in low voices and their postures were humble and respectful.

Not wanting to intrude on their private conversations, Sylvia walked forward to look around the castle.

She ran her fingers along the smooth turquoise pillars that stood erect at the entrance. 

Unlike the previous one which had a golden silver architectural theme, this one had a mysterious silver and blue undertone, matching the color of her eyes.

"Make yourself at home." Roman's voice came from behind her and Sylvia nodded. 

No one said anything else and after a moment of silence, Roman ruffled his hair and strolled into the castle. 

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