
I won't leave without him Part2

Roman looked at the girl. Her thoughts and her hesitation were more than obvious to him. 

After all, unlike her who was young and naive, he was more than a hundred years old.

"Listen to what I am saying." He muttered snapping his fingers in front of Sylvia, trying to get her to look at him.

He needed to convey the gravity of the situation, but if she didn't want to see what was right in front of her, then what he says probably wouldn't matter.

"Before that boyfriend of yours can track you, the geezers would be on top of you like ants on sugar."

"You won't survive even a single hour, let alone a day and I am not joking." Roman sighed.

"If you don't come with me right now, it is the same as committing suicide. Same as dying? Or probably worse. I don't have to tell you right?"

"And this time, they will be prepared for me. Even I wouldn't be able to save you. Well probably."

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