
Brother Vs Sister Part1

The two carriages soon rolled into the gigantic main gates of the King's castle.

The guards opened the gates and Sylvia watched as the luxurious carriage in front of them continued moving on the main pathway leading to the entrance of the castle, while their plain and normal carriage took a side road leading to the small entrance at the back.

Sylvia sighed at the exceedingly clear difference in their status, but she didn't care about it too much.

Considering everything Mikel had told her, she already knew that their future was going to be difficult and this so-called difference in their status wouldn't really matter much.

Rather the thing that was weighing heavily on her mind was how she had already begun to miss the devil and his obnoxious yet captivating smile.

She wished that the days ahead would quickly pass by and that they could return back soon.

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