
Marriage Proposal Part1

Theodore silently stepped out giving the woman some privacy to clean herself up. 

Sylvia took a look around and cringed at the sight of the putrid mess in front of her, greenish-black liquid patches covering the entire bed. 

She couldn't help but wonder if this much filth was really excreted from her body through her minute pores. She almost couldn't believe her eyes.

"Yuck!" She then quickly pinched her nose, unable to endure the stench in the room any longer, and tip-toed out through the side door leading to the adjacent bathroom.

She once again took a look at the stinky mess and shook her head vigorously at the thought of cleaning it up.

"Hell no!" She closed the door tightly shut behind her, with no intention of ever going back.

Considering that it was Priscella's villa and they were leaving tonight to go back to the castle, she did not plan on dealing with cleaning up that ungodly mess.

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