
The art of seduction Part3

Sylvia paced back and forth restlessly, and with every passing minute, her stomach only grumbled louder and louder.

She licked her lips looking once again at the many bunches of berries hanging on the tree she had tried to climb earlier.

Maybe it was because she was hungry, but they looked extremely tasty and delicious right about now.

"Damn it." Sylvia cursed and bit her nails. If only she could have climbed that damned tree!

"Should I try climbing it again?" 

The question floated in her mind but she quickly shot it down, not willing to go through that ordeal again.

After a while, she could only sigh and sit back down, at least providing her poor body with the warmth of the fire.

Her eyes flickered ever so often to the man taking a swim in the brook and his broad shoulders but she was too hungry and didn't look twice at him.

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