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Shocked and surprised by what they had heard, they all exchanged curious looks for a moment as they all processed what they had been told. Then Holly unenthusiastically volunteered "I guess we might as well go ahead and do this testing stuff. I don't know what you're thinking you might find though because we can't read thoughts or predict the future or any of those other fancy tricks they come up with on them movies. Or even that fancy stuff that they come up with fancy names for."

Wanda smiled, dismissively waved Holly's words away, and replied with, "Anybody that can pay attention to behavior patterns and remember what someone has said can predict the future. But as for actually reading real thoughts, you might have it and not even realize it because it is so close to the feeler ability that there is often a little bit of overlap where both talents are present but one is just stronger than the other. For instance, how often can you figure out what someone is thinking just by knowing how they are feeling when a subject comes up? Or it's obvious to you how they feel just by hearing how they are talking? As for the fancy stuff though, I thought you'd be at least a touch more eager being as most of you young girls like fancy stuff and you'd be all into it." She jokingly finished.

Rachel and Jessica giggled while Stephan smiled in a compassionate manner and told Holly, "Don't worry. It's kind of hard at first but it is more frustrating than anything and is only dangerous if you get angry and decide to try and magically start some fire."

To which Wanda sternly rebuked, "No Sir! We will NOT! Be starting any fires today!"

"Ha ha ha." Holly sarcastically replied. "Since you want to test both of us then, can we take it together?"

Jessica poutingly replied with a grin, "No fair! They didn't let me cheat when they were testing meee!"

Dawn answered in a serious tone, "No pairing up at first. That way if you have multiple talents we can determine which one of you has which talent and how strong it is and such. But with you two bonded to each other we will also test you together to see if you strengthen each other in those other areas. Plus so that we can see if y'all have talents together that you don't have individually and any other surprises. But mainly it will also show us how much stronger you are if you do strengthen each other's talents."

Stephan then asked, "What's about this energy absorbing battery ability thing you mentioned? Dawn didn't test me for that one but from what Wanda just told us I'm one of those first kids that she said have it."

Wanda clinically answered, "We did not know of the ability until yesterday. Not to mention that we're still trying to figure it out so we won't be testing anybody on it until we have figured it out ourselves. As far as how we know you have it though, it doesn't take a genius to figure out why your head likes to kiss your desk when you're working too hard. Or how your sister straight passed out while we were doing our initial testing of this ability earlier." To which Stephan tried to move his mouth to reply but he couldn't find words to fill it with while the girls giggled at his surprising discomfort caused by Wanda calling him out on it.

A couple minutes later they cleared everybody else out of the room and started the testing for Holly. Soon after starting they were interrupted by Rachel barging in in a panic thinking Holly needed her help because of the high levels of stress, frustration, and anger she was getting from Holly. To keep it from continuing to happen at the start of testing for each new ability, they had to have somebody in a separate room with Rachel to physically keep her from rushing into the room. Then to not repeat the same situation when testing Rachel, they swapped the girls out to make sure they stayed separate. Afterwards they called a small break so the two could calm down and destress before they had the girls join together for more testing.

Surprisingly they each received a bigger than expected boost to their abilities when the other was in the room with them. And, after they had finished with the testing, they then all went to the conference room to share the results.

When they had all settled into their preferred seats, Dawn started the discussion by explaining, "To make this a little easier for you I'll be using Jessica's simpler labels for your abilities so I don't have to remember that stuffy old Latin and explain in detail to you science types. Or have Wanda fuss at me for mispronouncing any of the official terminology."

Wanda arched an eyebrow with a grin and Dawn continued, "So, first off, Holly. Your major talent of course is the feeler ability both of you have. You also, despite your earlier denials, have a minor ability as a listener and a mover. Rachel, you also know of your feeler talent. Like Holly you also have a minor talent as listener and mover as well. In addition, You might also have the battery ability but we won't know for sure until later because it felt like you were barely using it and we're still trying to understand it better. So we don't know if it was the actual ability or if you were just pulling reserves by burning fat or some other source from your body. When you both are together though, it's a whole new story for you two. Working together your mover ability upgraded to a strong major talent. Also, surprisingly, your feeler talent upgraded to like a superpower or something. In fact, you two were more powerful working together with that talent than I know how to measure. Not to mention how you two also have a new talent we might as well call pusher in which you two are able to combine your listener and your feeler talent and make someone feel what you want them to feel."

Smirking, Holly teased Dawn by seductively saying, "I told you you could feel the love." as she mentally sent her feelings of arousal.

As Dawn blushed, Wanda grinned and said, "Let's behave now girls."

Rachel showed a pouty face to Wanda and responded, "But the misbehaving we had in mind is super fun and feels...mmmm... so amazing!" then giggled when Wanda shook her head while shaking her finger at Rachel.

Wanda replied to Rachel's giggle, "Sorry dear but I've been down that road before and guys are more my taste." when Rachel then glanced at Stephan and got a naughty look on her face Wanda continued, "And don't even think that because this boy isn't nearly old enough for me. Plus, I hate to break up the little touchy feely party you two were hoping to get everyone to join with your pusher talent, but that's something that should stay at home. Plus I need you two to provide me with some DNA samples so that I can more easily spot folks that have the genes for these powers but doesn't know that they have them or how to use them."

Rachel and Holly then backed up from her with Holly exclaiming, "Hey now! We ain't fixing to let you go experimenting on us!"

Jessica then gladly sighed and told Wanda, "I'm glad you gave them a buzzkill cause even thinking about my brother even coming close to wanting to get freaky from that mood they were sending everybody was a major turn off for me. Oh, and as for them two getting all defensive and all, they got sucked into some secret government testing where they ended up torturing the folks trying to get abilities to appear. So they're very much hands off types now."

Wanda responded to Holly and Rachel, "Sorry ladies. I did not know of that but I can assure you that a small sample that you two can do to yourselves is all I need. And I feel I should remind you that you can see for yourselves with your abilities that I am telling the truth. These samples aren't going to be used for any experiments or nothing like what you two went through. They are just to provide me with your chromosomal information so that I can better tell if someone has abilities and allow me or Dawn to help them awaken to their abilities during testing of our companies drug like Dawn did with Jessica."

Jessica then added, 'Yeah. If it hadn't of been for Dawn giving me something to focus on and help me calm down I very well could have gone as crazy as some of those others with abilities they have there in a special psych ward setup they have for them because when all those voices and freaky images started popping in my head I was seriously freaking out."

Holly and Rachel glanced at each other, shrugged, then reluctantly told Wanda, "We'll provide you with the DNA then. But if we catch even an inkling of an idea of you using it for some experiment or such we're gonna come after you full force with all of our abilities."

Ok readers, here is today's chapter. I hope you enjoy. I also hope that you follow the example Dixeled set and leave some comments and reviews. And, while you're at it, you can leave a vote or two so the story can get a couple more powerstones, get a higher ranking, and thus attract some more fellow readers because I'd love to be able to challenge jksmango (author of the most popular story on the site) to a friendly powerstone challenge and make him send me some of those "fish and chips" they have over there in England. lol

Anyways my peeps, please help me out because I truly need some motivation to keep providing a chapter a day because I haven't been able to keep the head start I had at the beginning and you will soon have to wait for me to finish chapters to get new material. So be nice and show some love please.

thank you

Shannon_DeNurecreators' thoughts
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