
Adam's re-awakening

“Is he going to be alright?” Lucas asked out of concern for Rain. The latter cried continously as though he was really affected by the story Axel had told him.

Axel simply shushed Lucas.

“I never thought a love like that existed.” Rain said in between sobbing. He wiped the mucus on his nose with one hand. And the tear with the other. He certainly looked like a mess.

“I have heard of star-crossed lovers . But this is the first time I heard a demon falling for an angel.” he said as soon as he regained composure. “And for you to go trough all the trouble just to protect him. I’m not sure who’s good or bad anymore.”

“I can’t believe I’ll hear that from a direct descendant.” Axel can’t help but grin. “Are you on my side now?”

“Not you, but for Urie’s sake.” Rain said frankly. “And I still insist that demons aren’t to be trusted. But as far as Urie’s concerned, I’m willing to compromise.”

That remark made Axel’s eyebrow raise a bit.

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