
Characters & Name Suggestion for the Villages

Main character

Mark Richwood

- Died at the age of 18 at his birthday . Not by Corona but by Coronary Artery Disease. Most likely will not remember his parents but still wishes them good luck for taking care of him. He was about to graduate Senior High School in ABM but he died. Has only select friends hoping the best for them. But once again will not remember their faces. Died at the year 2021 April 20 or 4/20/2021.



Harry Pot- ( Sorry ) Richwood (Dead)


Selene Richwood nee Mormont(Alive)

- Grenrey GreenThumb a FreeFolk (Mother)

- Alecor Mormont (Father)

People of Note

Master Of Arms Rolf Arnold

Caretaker of the Spider Pit Arachne

Maria Antoinette [ Master Faceless ]

Janice De Blu' [Pupil ]

Their Territory in the North

- Upper part of winterfell, Lower Right Side Part of Deepwood Motte, Lower Left Side of the Northern Mountains. Has a small part of wolfswood and the northern mountains.

( Sorry guys I suck at names )

Mining Village

Fishing or the Port Village

Farming Village

Unfinished plans for school

( Whoever has the most likes when I update this will have that guy or girl to be mentioned in a one or two day I will announce the winning Village and since for the future the School names in the chapters)

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