
chapter 12


It had been about a week since Kuroo and Kenma had gotten over their sickness, and Kuroo thought it would be a normal day. They woke up, went to school and got through the first couple hours of "where were you?" "Are you ok?" and " We're glad you're back!" It was easier for Kuroo and Kenma to handle. After that they had practice so they changed and went over to the gym. Practice was annoying as always but Kenma endured it 3 times a week anyways. After practice was over Kenm left wall lev and Kuroo distracted putting the equipment away. As he walked home he had thought about the past few months. He had accidentally fallen in love with his best friend, his best friend found out shortly after, against all odds he felt the same way, they started dating, they had their first fight, they made up. Their whole lives they had been together practicall7 joint at the hip, Kenma always looking down at his phone and Kuroos chin up in the air steering at him along. They had always been like this but now it was something more. Who knows where this will go but as for right now things were good. Just as his inner monolog came to an end he was in front of his door. He shrugged on the sweatshirt he had stolen a few weeks ago, he went over to his desk and started playing minecraft as always. It was about 9:30 when he stated and at 10:45 his phone buzzed, he looked and it was a text from Kuroo " thanks for helping clean up, and go to bed" to which he responded with "im in bed" "no your not i just got back and i can see the light under your door, nice try tho" kenma rolled his eyes and texted him again this time saying "that's my lamp next to my bed" " no the lamp next to your bed is a blue light and the light under the door was a red light, the red light is at your desk right in front of you because your sitting at it playing minecraft, now go to bed!" right as Kuroo hit send he was at the door to his room. Kuro went in, changed into something more comfortable, pulled out his uniform for tomorrow et his alarm and went to bed. Kenma stayed up for another 2 hours then forced himself into bed.

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