
chapter 8

Ch 8

However Kuroo was still shaken. He got up and sat on the bed next to Kenma. "Are you ok, you don't look so good." kenma said as he reluctantly put his phone down, " n-no, not really, I didn't like that game as much as you thought i would.Im actually kinda freaked out." Kuroo was breathing heavily, and looked like he was really about to freak out. Kenma knew he wasn't a fan of scary things but he didnt know it was this bad. Kuroo started to take more shallow breaths and he began turning red, he had hunched over gripping his chest trying to speak. " I- I can't, I can't, air, ken- ." Kenma put a hand on Kuroo's back and tried to calm him down. " Kuroo calm down, just breathe it's not real. It's just a game ok, it's not real, calm down." Kenma got up quickly and turned his computer off and grabbed Kuroo's hands making him stand. " I'm gonna do something ok." Kuroo shook his head as he struggled to form words to give a proper response. Kenma pulled Kuroo into a hug. " It's ok, it's just me and you, calm down. Just breath ok, just breathe. One breath at a time,in an out." Kenma spoke softly, but Kenma never spoke softly, Kenma never really spoke at all. Yet his voice was calm and had gentle undertones. He cared, he cared enough to let kurro invade his personal space, he cared enough to say more than 3 words. His voice was like a siren's song, calming, bewitching. With only a few words he had pulled Kuroo's mind out of the darkness and sent him into a state of euphoria. It had gone just as fast as it came. Kuroo breathing settled and he just stayed quiet for a minute. Eventually the silence was broken by a shaky, uncertain sound. " Umm Kenma, you can let go of me now, I'm fine it's over." Kuroos arms had remiad at his sides, limp like wet towels. It took a moment but kenma did respond " can we just stay like this for a bit longer, it's not entirely unbearable, to be… this close to you." Kenma's grip around Kuroo tight end sending Kuroo's heart into a flutter, he raped his arms around Kenma and took every bit of joy in saying " we can stay here as long as you'd like."

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