
chapter 4


After their… At that moment, Kuroo had sat down on kenmas bed, leaving him alone to play his games. Kuroo had been on his phone when he got a text from one of the girls on the volleyball team, "their apathy tonight 3rd years hosting!!!!! And you better come, and invite your friend, the one with the white hair, not Lev the other one!!" Kuroo grinned and called bokuto to tell him Kenma wasn't paying attention until he heard the word party. " get up, get dressed we're going out." " Kuroo, I'm not going on some fancy date with you, you know that's never gonna happen." " Yeah, yeah whatever we're going to a third-year party tonight." " haha that's funny, you think I'm going to do that with you." " yes, you are, you need to see people and have a little fun." " This is fun." after about 15 minutes of arguing, Kuroo had persuaded kenma to go for at least an hour, he reluctantly got up fixed his hair, and put on some jeans, " fine but if I'm going, I'm gonna be comfortable" kenma walked over to Kuroo and took his keys right out of his back pocket. "Let's go'' kenma walked out of his room, Kuroo following close behind, kenma walked to Kuroo's room unlocked the door and made a b line for his closet, " what are you doing.`` '' grabbing something" kenma had pulled out a Kuroo red sweatshirt, the one he wore all the time. Kenma shrugged it on over his t-shirt and it was not the best fit, to say the least. " kenma that's way too big, just wear your own." " No, I want this one." " Whatever, what kenma wants, kenma gets." " What was that, did you say something, was it you don't have to come to this party because that's what I heard.'' ' No, point made, let's go'' as they were walking, Kuroo put his arm around kenmas shoulders, " let go." " Nope," Kuroo said with a smile on his face, shortly after they got to the dorm and Kuroo knocked on the door. One of the third years opened the door and Kuroo quickly removed his arm from around kenma and greeted his friends, walking in behind him kenma was a little confused and upset that Kuroo didn't keep his arm around him, he knew that they hadn't told people yet about whatever it was that they were but he didn't think that it was a secret. Kuroo went across the room to greet bokuto leaving kenma stranded at the door, he quickly pulled out his phone and found a corner with a stool to sit in. " So you dragged Kenma to a party, are you trying to break him?" Bokuto said jokingly, " no he needs to get out more," Kuroo said with a laugh. Kenma was playing video games and not paying attention until the music got noticeably louder and the number of people who were there last time he looked up had tripled, he wanted to go somewhere more quiet and secluded, and preferably more dark, he pushed thought people uncomfortable over to Kuroo, who was wowing a group of people with his ability to down a whole litter of coke in under 30 seconds, " Kuroo, can we go, this isn't really all that fun anymore." " What nooo, we just got here, what don't you try socializing." Kuroo siad no longer paying him any attention, kenma grunted and walked away " dude, he's not having fun, take him home" bokuto said seriously for a change, " no, he needs to get some thicker skin, and I'm not his keeper if he wants to leave he can go on his own." bokuto pulled Kuroo away from the group to talk to him seriously " hey, don't be a jerk, you know this isn't his scene, and he did come here for you, the least you could do is respect that he's had enough and walk him home," Kuroo thought for a minute, " your right dude, thanks I'll call you tomorrow, and stay away from the cheerleader or im calling Akashi !" " Ok, ok I'll keep my distance, no need to call the nuns' ' Kuroo did a lap around the room looking for kenma when he saw him in a dark corner with his phone and an upset annoyed expression on his face. " hey, come on." " Oh now you want to leave, what are you done wooing the girls now? " " Come on let's get some air" Kuroo walked out of the dorm kenma close behind him, when they got outside Kuroo had just looked at kenma, " what's wrong?" he asked apologetically knowing he had gone a little overboard, " what's wrong, WHAT'S WRONG!" Kenma shouted, stuffing his phone in the large pocket of the sweatshirt he had stolen. " You dragged me to this stupid party that i didnt want to got to, you make it seem like its some huge secret that were together, and on top of that you dont even hang out with me or even think to ask me if i was having fun, with by the way i wasnt, so thats whats wrong" " ok, im sorry" " not good enuf" " and im not ashamed of you, i just didn't want to make you uncomfortable." " Still not good enuf" " alright well let's go get something to eat, i'm starving and i know you are to" " i'm so not in the mood for burgers and fries" " well then'' kurro pauses and graves kenmas hand as they start walking away from the dorms `` apple pie," kenmas eyes lit up and he tried not to smile " you are a terrible person" " i know, but you make it so easy." " Lets go before i change my mind" they walked to the bakery and of course kenma made Kuroo pockets hurt as his revenge, they had eaten as much pie as they could before heading back to the dorms, kenma had almost forgotten that he was mad by the time they got back to his room, " good night Kuroo, ohh do you want you sweat shirt back?" " no, I like it better on you keep it," " oh good, because I was going to anyway" "I know, good night kenma" Kuroo leaned down to kiss him good night but kenma moved backwards " nope, your not out of the dog house yet" " ugh fine, good night and actually go to bed we do have school.'' "Fine, bye "Kuroo walked back to his room and watched a movie, and Kenma had curled up in a Kuroo sweatshirt and played video games all night.

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