
Skydancer Exams (1)

Edit: I made some changes to Hugo's beginning attitude. Well, by changes I mean a 180-degree flip. It doesn't affect anything, but I noticed some people complaining about it and now I see why.


Four years later...

A young man of seventeen years got down from a hovercycle that mirrored his strange choice of clothing.

Every single piece of clothing he wore was black, but the scarf that rested around his neck proved to be the darkest piece of all the clothing he wore.

The only thing that could compare was his jet-black hair and the flowing overcoat on his back.

"Huff, I finally made it!"

Hugo took in a deep breath after he finally reached his destination. In front of him stood the very first step towards his goal; the Skydancer Headquarters on Allegro.

It was the meeting point of Skydancers from Allegro, this was the place they received missions, collected rewards, and talked to each other. And to Hugo of the future, this was the second place that changed his life.

The majestic splendour of the high-rise building enraptured Hugo, but he probably didn't realise that he was being a nuisance until someone yelled at him.

"Hey move it pal, quit blocking the way!"

Hugo snapped out of his fantasies and turned to look at the person who spoke so crudely. It was a wild-looking middle-aged man with black hair and a semi-muscular build.

Though not completely jacked, the top half body which was let open for all to see was very muscular.

Hugo only focused on one aspect of the man's appearance though, his brownish-black hair that grew very wildly and his shiny bronze-coloured skin, which contrasted Hugo's skin.

The man smelled filthy, his trousers were grubby and his broad hands hosted very grimy fingernails.

The man unconsciously wiped his dirty fingers against a piece of what seemed to be lion fur wrapped just above his thighs and also sewed to his trousers.

The man's long lashes formed a scowl, this made him seem similar to someone from Hugo's memory.

'He's a bit-'

Before he could even complete the thought, he noticed the man's gaze and traced it to where he stood.

This was the first time in his life that someone had given him a stink eye, this gave him mixed emotions that ranged from anger to curiosity.

"Hey kid, what's your problem, you looking down on me?"

Hugo had absolutely no idea when this development came into place, either way, he would not let a misunderstanding take root between two people who just met.

"Oh no, I wasn't! I was just thinking of something." He unhurriedly replied and checked to see whether the man still insisted on pushing his ideas onto him.

But the man did nothing. He glared at Hugo for a good minute and snarled as he left.

Hugo made his judgement on the man quickly, "Hmmm. He's like a hyena... very unpleasant and mangy."

. . .

Hugo was inside the Headquarters reception, staring at the questionnaire that the receptionist handed him. He couldn't focus on the questions posed through the holographic form though, all he could think about was the man from earlier's snarl.

'His teeth... They looked sharp, you can tell that they bite things frequently. They're also very shiny considering his... uh stature. Agh, I need to concentrate on what is before me!'

Hugo channelled all his mental energy on the form and tried his best to answer the questions posed on it. They were pretty normal things, like the questions that one would see on a job application form.

'Hmm, what is my reason for taking this exam?'

Hugo juggled the last question around in his mind and finally answered as freely and honestly as he could.

'I wish to change the current world order using my skills alone!'

After going over his form, Hugo submitted it and walked over to the waiting area to take a short break.

He closed his eyes and sat on a nearby bench, unlike the other candidates he didn't bother trying to scout out the competition, it was all trivial to him.

There were many people who didn't bother scouting. The man Hugo met in front of the Headquarters was one of those people. Not only did he not bother doing that, but the burly man also had the sheer audacity to break the temporary peace between the candidates.

"Hey, kids. Not to bully you or anything, but whoever steps up to me will be killed before they can take another step!"

That statement received looks of shock and glares from all candidates, though it was just glaring. The first candidate's exclamation gave rise to a chain reaction of communication between the unacquainted candidates.

Another fellow stood up too, he was about seventeen or older; the guy had bright golden hair and lively blue eyes with a smug smile on his face most of the time.

He had a piece of golden light-armour on him, which seemed to limit his speed according to some candidates' "acute" observation.

"The fellow put it a bit crudely. But I agree with him, if you mess with me, I'll be glad to fuck you up,"

The way he said it made it as if it was candy flowing out of his mouth and words. The audacity of these people was really too much!

Most of the other candidates kept calm and let it slide, as they saw it these fellows were probably not much if they had to threaten like thugs before the exams even started.

Some candidates tried a novel approach and resorted to sarcastic remarks and insults.

"You speak like me when I'm with your mom!" Trash-talker 1 mocked the teen smilingly.

"You talk like your sis, and well... she wasn't much!" Trash-talker 2's approach wasn't much different from Trash-talker 1's and directly insulted the youth's family.

The instigators were insulting a person with thick skin, so it didn't exactly achieve the desired result.

At first, it was mostly just playful insults and banter between three unfamiliar people but it was the last straw when the younger fellow said these words.

"I am Raoul Sutherland. Remember this name peasants, for I will trample you all!"

Even Hugo who kept his eyes closed throughout the entire commotion couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the words of this Raoul guy.

'Isn't he being a bit too arrogant for his uh frame?'

Hugo's thoughts were as straightforward as ever, but could you blame him? Raoul was just over 5'2", being the shortest one in the room, who could take him seriously if even girls are taller than him?!

A candidate who wore hunter gear and a panda mask on his face took a quick look at the man and Raoul. The man acknowledged trash-talker 1 which he showed by nodding, but as for his opinion on Raoul... he didn't take him for less than shit.

"Hey little boy, are you lost? Let me take you to your momma, hahaha!"

Trash-talker 1 insulted again, but unfortunately, he couldn't back up his taunts being one of the first to drop out of the exams.

"Say, do you know what it means to die? Do you want to know what it means to die? I can teach you."

His voice contained a chill to it and before one could say 'Die', the glamourous and carefree-looking Raoul was behind the leader of the taunters, holding a sword to his fat neck.

The brawny man who taunted with a smile had turned into a sissy who Raoul easily threatened with a mere blade's edge.

Raoul's question hung in the air, unanswered and he had no choice but to leave the man alone.

"Hmm? No answer, well I'll let you go since I'm handsome and all."

This Raoul guy was truly unbelievable, the benevolence seeping through his words was so irritating, how could it be so real? Raoul scanned the candidates with his eyes, skipping the girls and most brawny-looking men. He finally stopped looking when he noticed Hugo.

'Why is that guy so handsome?'

Hugo who was trying to avoid any unnecessary attention suddenly found himself in an awkward position.

No BL haha.

Purple_Midnightcreators' thoughts
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