
Arch Nemesis

"Attention, all recruits please report to the training room...Attention, all recruits please report to the training room," was the announcement echoing in the corridors at Star Horizon.

It had been precisely a week after getting a medical examination and the unfortunate hazing incident that made Jin Lin lose face in front of a bunch of people.

He had leased out his apartment and left his gaming gear at Fen Hao's place before embarking on what Fen Hao called an epic journey.

Jin Lin had tried several times before to get him to drop out but Fen Hao was determined to walk through the fire with him despite the contract being insanely ridiculous.

Since the guy wasn't willing to go AWOL on him, the two of them were back again at Star Horizon. As to how Fen Hao was allowed to stay? It was all his uncle's doing.

He pretended to support Fen Hao in his decision to participate in Star Horizon's project but in truth, he couldn't wait to get rid of him. The further the better hence eliminating the competition.

This is how the pair of besties ended up walking down the corridor wearing cool gear like they were commandos carved from a spy movie or something.

"I think mine is a little..... fuckin tight," complained Fen Hao pulling the fabric at his crotch. They had been told to wear this once they entered the headquarters but Fen Hao had a subtle feeling that the lady doctor from last time was screwing with him especially when she complimented his assets during the medical examination.

"Yes, keep thinking that," replied Jin Lin with a sly smirk on his face as the door for the training room slid open.

Fen Hao furrowed his brow trying to understand what Jin Lin meant. Forgive this nerd for being a tad bit slow but once he realised what he meant his eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

"Ah!.... You jerk, I didn't gain weight. It's only been a fuckin week..... or did I? Shit, come back here," said Fen Hao running after Jin Lin who had at some point walked further away.

Inside the training room, there was five times the number of recruits than the last time they came to Star Horizon. Jin Lin easily recognized some of the faces in the room. They were two anchors from the same platform as him but the one who caught his attention the most was the stone-faced blondie leaning against the wall across the room.

It seemed Fen Hao recognized him as well because he began to whack Jin Lin's elbow looking star struck. "Mi-mi-ming Wei," he stammered out the name with his eyes glued on the very definition of a masterpiece in esports. He was the captain of an all-star team called Lit that took first place in the League of Giants championship three times in a row.

They were invincible and undefeated that is until their captain Ming Wei was diagnosed with a severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome resulting in him dropping out without warning.

Ming Wei lifted his head in their direction with a piercing gaze like he had heard Fen Hao's fanboy craze. That gaze sent daggers their way piercing their fleshy parts. Fen Hao instantly cowered looking away with an 'I didn't do jerk' expression while fake whistling but Jin Lin on the other hand was staring right back at him with zero reaction.

That's because they knew each other and had PKed in the arena a couple of times resulting in this captain getting smoked each match. So yes, they didn't see each other eye to eye.

It took the instructor coming over for the strong smell of gun powder to disperse in the air. The man had a lot of things to say but Jin Lin and Fen Hao could hardly focus. They weren't good students from the very beginning and now they were being forced to listen to psychological stuff that was mindless blabber to these two.

They just wanted to get in the gaming capsule and test drive this baby like right now. Ming Wei looked in their directions once more and sneered. He couldn't believe he was in the same room as this bot user. Yes, that's right.

Ming Wei had accused Jin Lin of using cheats a couple of times and complained to the GM but the investigation always came out negative. He truly believed it was because Jin Lin was the cash cow and if he's gone then the milk would run dry. This is why he believed the result was always negative.

Jin Lin who had been wrongfully accused of using a bot was currently fending off sleep. There was one way to describe this instructor and that is a freaking sleeping pill. Not the 'wait for them to kick in' kind but the ones that 'hit you so hard they knock one out in an instant like a horse tranquillizer'.

One can only imagine his reaction when the instructor said they would be showing them the gaming capsule and demonstrate how it works. It was like he had been injected with chicken blood jolting awake in an instant.

Fen Hao, on the other hand, was leaning to his side almost snoring. Jin Lin had to elbow him to wake him up but he was a bit heavy-handed and this was the end result.

"The fuck? What was that for?!..... shit," were Fen Hao's exact words making Jin Lin facepalm himself.

Everyone, "...."

Jin Lin had to pretend like he didn't know him as they followed the instructor to the gaming room. It turns out it wasn't necessary because everyone soon forgot Fen Hao's embarrassing outburst as soon as they stepped in what could only be described as heaven for gamers.

"Screw cremation, I want to be fuckin buried here when I die," said Fen Hao his fingers itching to touch everything.

The instructor pat his shoulder and murmured, "Be careful what you wish for," with a sinister smile that sent chills down Fen Hao's spine.

Fen Hao, "....."

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