

Ashur laid on the ground battered and bruised all over, and could not help but have an odd sense of deja vu as he laid there.

Athena had left not long ago after she was satisfied after beating Ashur to a bloody pulp.

Ashur laid there in pain before he slowly pulled himself from the ground as his body screamed in pain before he fell down again.

'Maybe I should reverse my time by a bit' thought Ashur before he started using his power to reverse time to where his body is able to bear the pain that is constantly screaming from his body.

although his body was not screaming out in pain, it was still very painful and a bit of bruising could still be seen.

Ashur believes the pain is a part of training, and he only reversed time so that he can still function properly, and he did not remove it fully, as will fully heal in the matter of an hour or two.

Soon after he reversed his time, he picked him up from the ground and started dusting himself off.

Ashur started thinking of what to do after this and decided to call Loki up.

He was not calling Loki to do anything perverted but he just wanted to hang out and maybe play some games.

His relationship with Loki would be best described as 'Friends with benefits' and was not totally perverted, as they would sometimes do regular stuff too, and Ashur thought that he could be more open with Loki as she was more easygoing.

After waiting a few seconds, Loki answered the call, "Oh, hey Ashur, you called?"

"Hey Loki, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?"

"Oh, you wanna hang out? I'm free, so come on over!"

"By the way, why are you all bruised up?" Asked Loki with a bit of confusion.

"I was just sparring with Athena again, and might have pissed her off" said Ashur as he thought about the pain he just received and could not help but shiver a bit.

"What did you do to manage to piss her off?" asked Loki while wonder how he managed to piss her off to get beaten like this.

"You don't want to know....Anyways, I will be over in a bit"

"Kay, see you" said Loki before she ended the call.

Ashur started leaving Athena's courtyard and headed to Loki's.

After walking for about ten minutes, he reached Loki's house and knocked.

Loki soon came out and answered the door.

Loki was expecting Ashur, so she opened the door before she said "Come in, come in" as she gestured for him to enter.

As he entered, Loki asked him "So, what do you want to do?" before she plopped herself down on the sofa.

"Hmm, how about we play a new game I created?"

"New game?" asked Loki with interest

"Yeah, I created a new game, it's called checkers" said Ashur as he pulled out a wooden board and some pieces from his storage space.

Ashur then began explaining the rules of the game to Loki before he started setting it up and putting all the pieces in place.

Soon, they began playing and at first, Loki was not very good at playing, but after an hour, Loki started to repeatedly win against him.

After a while of playing, she started to get the hang of it and use some kind of tricks to make Ashur think that he is winning, but in all actuality, she is just making him fall for her traps before she turns the entire game around and wins.

He was in the palm of her hand and every time she would start to win even if she looked like she was about to lose.

Getting tired of constantly losing, he decided to change the game, this time he brought out a deck of cards and taught her how to play poker.

That was the worst decision of his life. Loki was a master at this game in already in less than five minutes of playing.

After playing for a while, Loki suddenly had a great idea! Instead of poker chips why don't they bet their clothes, and whoever wins, gets to keep that said clothing.

When Ashur heard her idea, he was a little shocked as to how fast she seemed to invent strip poker.

After hearing her idea, a little of his competitive spirit was ignited and he had a goal, a goal to win and strip Loki naked!

First, they betted their shirts and Loki won easily and Ashur could not help but think this was not such a great idea now.

The now shirtless Ashur faced Loki who was now wearing her newly acquired shirt, both next betted their pants that they were wearing and the result was....

Ashur was now half naked with only in his underwear on, while Loki was still fully clothed wearing Ashur's shirt and his pants were to the side of her.

Next, they bet their underwear. Ashur was really nervous about this part as if he did not start winning soon, he would be fully stripped at this rate.

Loki was really good at bluffing and Ashur could not tell at all if she had good cards or not and ultimately decided to just rely on luck as he had no clue what her cards were.

Ashur had a fairly good hand, with a three of a kind but he had no idea if Loki had a better hand or not as she is very good at her poker face.

"You ready?" Asked Loki with a smile.


They then revealed their cards.

"Three of a kind" said Ashur as he laid his cards out.

A 'tsk' sound could be heard as Loki laid down her cards to reveal, her hand was two pair.

"Yes!" screamed Ashur as he finally won against Loki.

"Well, I guess I lost then" said Loki as she flashed a smile at Ashur before she got up and began taking off her shorts before she took out her panties before she slipped her shorts back on.

"Here's your prize~" said Loki as she passed her panties that she was wearing, over to Ashur.

Ashur looked at the pair of panties in his hands and suddenly had a thought. He suddenly wanted to start a collection, a collection of panties!

Immediately after this thought came to his head, he was suddenly questioning himself 'Just where did I go wrong? How could I have fallen so far?'

Once again, Ashur blamed that Loki must have corrupted him and thought he might even be corrupted too far for salvation.

Even though he questioned himself on how far he has fallen, he still quickly stored Loki's panties in his storage space for his new collection.

Loki and Ashur still had one more game to perform, as the winner is declared when the other side has nothing more to bet, and Ashur still had his underwear.

Loki and Ashur soon settled on the new bet, Ashur's underwear and Loki's shorts.

Soon, the new game started and Ashur was hopeful that he could keep his luck going but it seems that he used up all his luck winning Loki's panties and his luck has now dried up.

Ashur was fully naked while he sat on the sofa while Loki was holding his underwear like a treasure, And she was stealing a few glances at his naked body every now and then, as her 'Bonus prize.'

After a few minutes, Ashur suddenly said "I think it's time for me to head out" as he suddenly pulled out a set of clothes from his storage space and started getting dressed.

"Going so soon?" Loki asked in a bit of disappointment as she was losing the eye candy she just got.

"It's getting late, and Hephaestus is already waiting for me at home, so I got to go" said Ashur.

Loki watched him finally put on his last piece of clothing before saying "See you later then"

"Bye" said Ashur as he left Loki's house.

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