

Ashur was currently laying down in Loki's bed and Loki was asleep next to him.

They were both pretty tired as they did it about five more times as they went around the house in different positions before they were pretty exhausted and collapsed in Loki's bed.

He was laying in bed while Loki laying on the side of his chest as she rubbed her naked body on him that Ashur actually found quite pleasant.

He started thinking that maybe he might have gotten corrupted by Loki and her antics as she was helping him, all though he was getting better, he started feeling like he was slowly becoming a pervert ever since he met Loki.

The sun was starting to come up and through Loki's window, the sun's rays started to light up the room.

As the sun started to shine on her face, as it shone on her face, Ashur could see Loki twitch a few times before she slowly awoke.

"Good morning beautiful," said Ashur as he saw Loki slowly open her eyes.

Loki looked up at Ashur for a second before a smile spread across her face and said "Good morning handsome" as she snuggled into Ashur.

"Why don't we go have a shower to freshen up and maybe some hot shower sex?" asked Ashur as he grabbed her butt.

"What a great idea!" said Loki as she gave him a quick kiss before getting up and pulling him towards the bathroom

Soon after, moans could be heard from the bathroom and after an hour, Loki and Ashur exited the bathroom with smiles on their faces.

"I got to go Loki, Hephaestus is probably waiting for me to go home"

"Ok, but don't forget our 'Lesson' next week!" said Loki as she gave him a quick kiss before waving goodbye as he left.

Ashur quickly arrived at his house after walking a bit and he walked up to his door and opened it, As he entered, he froze in place and started sweating a little as he looked inside.

Hephaestus was waiting at the door with her arms crossed while she was tapping her foot with a cold expression.

"Umm, hey...Hephaestus I'm home?"

Hephaestus only gave a cold "Humph" before she turned her head to the side.

"I went out drinking last night and lost track of time and before I knew it, I was already drunk and it was late so I stayed over at her house," said Ashur as he lied as he tried to cover up his night with Loki and also make Hephaestus forgive him.

All that came was another cold "Humph" while she kept her head turned.

"I'm sorry for suddenly staying overnight instead of coming home as I said, can you forgive me?" asked Ashur with pleading eyes.

Hephaestus gave another "Humph" before saying "Make it up to me" as she turned to look towards Ashur.

Ashur thought for a moment and took a small pendant out of his storage space. It had a small indigo gem hanging from it and the metal from the pendant had a bit of shoddy craftsmanship but the gem was surprisingly cut quite beautifully.

"I made this for you recently but didn't know when to give it to you" said Ashur as he passed it over to her.

"The gem was made using my crystallized divine power and added a bit of my blood and a tiny piece of my soul and I made it indigo, the same color as my soul."

"I'm not very proficient with blacksmithing that you taught me, but I tried my best to make the pendant and it also has a simple function, it will let out a low humming sound when I am near."

"The pendant will sense my soul because of that piece of my soul in it and let out a low humming sound, and hopefully it will feel like I'm always with you," said Ashur with a small smile.

Separating a piece of soul is a very painful thing to do, but his soul will regenerate after many years depending on how much he separated.

As he finished explaining the details of the pendant, he suddenly realized Hephaestus had tears running down her cheeks, and before he could say anything, she suddenly rushed forward and hugged him.

Not knowing why she is crying, he opted to comfort her by returning her hug as he petted her head from behind.

"I'm sorry dad, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being spoiled and won't ever do it again!" said Hephaestus as she cried her eyes out in his embrace.

"Well, that would be a problem then," said Ashur with a troubled look.

This made Hephaestus stop and ask him "Hun? Why is it a problem?" confusingly as she looked up at him.

"Well, it's because I love spoiling my cute little daughter!" said Ashur as he began ruffing her hair with a big smile on his face.

Hephaestus heard this, and hugged him even harder as she put her head against his chest and said "I love you, dad!"

"I love you too" said Ashur as he hugged her.

"Why don't we go in and get something to eat for breakfast?" asked Ashur as he separated from her.

"Sure!" said Hephaestus with excitement as she ran inside before sitting at the table.

"Good grief" said Ashur before he walked into the kitchen to make something for the both of them.

Soon after, Ashur came out of the kitchen with two plates in hand and set them down on the table. He then sat down and joined Hephaestus at the table and both of them started eating.

After fifteen minutes of eating, they finished their food and Ashur got up to do the dishes.

While he was in the middle of doing them, he turned towards Hephaestus asked "Hey, do you want to do some blacksmithing after this?"

"Yeah!" said Hephaestus with excitement.

So after Ashur finished doing the dishes, he and Hephaestus went into the workshop to make something.

"So what do you want to make?" asked Ashur as he looked at her.

Hephaestus thought for a few moments before asking "How about a longsword?"

"Sure let's do that then," said Ashur as he started heating up the forge and getting their tools ready.

After everything was prepared and the forge was heated up, Hephaestus brought over an iron ingot.

Hephaestus wanted Ashur to improve on Ashur's basics and used a cheap iron ingot instead of using expensive materials to practice with.

Hephaestus started heating the ingot up and when it was heated up, she brought it over to the anvil and Ashur and he grabbed it with his pair of tongs and started hammering it.

While he was hammering it, Hephaestus gave him constant tips and correcting him when he made mistakes and after repeated hammering, the ingot has turned into the shape of a sword.

It was soon ready to be quenched and Ashur brought it in the forge to heat it up one last time, before picking it up after it was heated and started quenching it.

After it was cooled down enough, Ashur picked it up with his bare hands and started sharping it while Hephaestus brought over the handle that she made while Ashur was sharpening the sword blade.

They soon then started assembling the sword and it was quickly completed.

As Ashur and Hephaestus were admiring their completed work, Ashur noticed his clothes were soaked in sweat and said "Why don't we hop in the bath and go to sleep? I'm a bit tired."

Hephaestus turned and looked towards Ashur before replying "Yeah, let's go, I'm all sweaty."

After they finished tidying everything up, they began walking towards the bathroom.

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