
Chapter 9

After having a shower, I went to my ward robe and took a necklace which I intended to give to Beauty but since we were not together anyways, I wanted to give it to Jessica, I left my house for the dinner with a suit jacket; the weather was so cold anyways. I sat there for about ten minutes before Jessica arrived. She looked as spectacular as ever and this made me to gaze at her endlessly. After we ordered fish and chips, we started to talk. She spoke about her day at work and I told her about mine too.

Few minutes into dinner, I brought out the necklace and gave it to her to wear on her neck but there was this reluctance on her face. I was bothered and asked her why she did not want it. She told me that the one on her neck is so special to her; she had not taken it off for the past ten years. I was shocked and I asked her to tell me about the necklace. She told me that she did not want to talk about it because it always brought back painful memories.

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