

Gabi's words led Yvonne to shudder.


"Why don't we go inside now Yvonne, dinner should be about ready. We've got to introduce you."

Gabi stood up, supported by his walking stick. Yvonne followed suit almost immediately.

"Bu-but why do you guys still try all these time? You haven't told me all surely?!"

Gabi sighed.

"Ofcourse, there's too much to tell you. You'll learn more of what this world truly is as you live. Just know that, all those people, and those now, have some cause for getting a go at the half key. The council are only able to get the portal to the domain open at very rare and opportune moments, so the Adventurer's camp doesn't happen as often as you may think. On average in a century, it may happen just three times. That's how rare and complicated it is, and it takes the best of magical brains to get that portal open."


Yvonne's eyes detensified a little as she regained some calm. She looked up at the skies to just catch a glimpse of a fading shooting star. She noticed a rather bright star near the two-third sized moon.

"That's some satellite. Feels like y'all are being watched hehe!"

Gabi pouted while smiling at Yvonne's giggles.

"As you'll notice soon enough, that's the only star that ever shines in this place, or any other magical land I've been to on earth. I don't know why, even the council can't explain it. Sometimes I feel there's a whole magical world up there, watching us all."

There was an ambient pause between both of them. Master Gabi sucked in some of the night's air that was now cooling.

"Ofcourse it's all fantasy, don't expect a world out there. If it's magic they'd have gotten here already. Even science would have."

Yvonne smiled at him.

"Magic could also be keeping them out afterall, or they may just not be as advanced as we are," Yvonne said.

"Hmm, seems you may just be fantasy fanatic like I am, for one so young."

"But you have the wildest fantasies of most men I know. Although my grandfather is on another level at that!" Yvonne had her hand on her chin as she thought of her grandfather.

"Haha! I'd like to meet your grandfather one day. You'd make a good duo with Yui, the girl with the pink hair who's always with Xyelia. If only she talked more. She also has some wild fantasies."


The both of them giggled.

Yvonne supported the free arm of master Gabi as they left the woodlands back to the manor. They entered the already filled dining hall. Gabi invited Yvonne to sit beside him on the high table.

The table was with three other adults; two women and a man, part of the people who helped Gabi run the place. They engaged Yvonne in some chit chat while they ate. The hall was lively throughout dinner, with the children and young adults rather lively.

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