

A fox-like animal appeared from behind Yui. It had blue fur and a white underbelly with white purs and ears, The tip of its tail also white. Its eyebrows were thin and long, extending out of its face.

The animal walked up to an apprehensive looking Yvonne, who had backed up towards Imogen. She had never seen such a strange animal, or a girl with such pink hair for that matter. The animal stopped infront of Yvonne, and examined her slowly.

"You're an interesting young girl holding an ancient power within but still largely clueless on what it can do!"

Yvonne's mouth fell open as she looked at the animal with a very bewildered face. The animal had just spoken in an old feminine voice.

"Wh-what are you?" Yvonne asked.

"That's enough Xyelia, let's not scare the new one," Yui said. She and Cheryl giggled while Imogen herself smiled.

"A…xyelia?" Yvonne asked.

"That's her name. You must be Yvonne?" Yui had stepped forward and extended a hand to shake Yvonne. The rainbow seemingly reflected off her pink bob haircut from where Yvonne stood. Yvonne accepted her handshake.

"Oh good to meet you…Yui?"

"Hmnm! Now enough with the rainbow tricks!" Yui's face had bent into a smile and she had her index finger in the air as she turned away from Yvonne. Xyelia walked up to Cheryl, who carried her slender body gently like a pet.

"You'll need to know some basic fighting spells and defenses. We'll need it a lot from next week. How much of power can you do?" Yui asked, leaning into Yvonne's face.

"Oh uh…I can loop time, and see present stuffs happening now and stuff. I can also age and de-age things," Yvonne said with a smile.

"Oh," Yui smiled. "Show me!" She stretched her right hand to Yvonne.

"Uhm, you really want to use your hand as the subject?" Yvonne asked, looking puzzled.

Yui's smile was still there.

"If it fails I'll simply reverse it."

"Oh but the result is permanent even for magicals, unless I reverse it. It worked well on the fennel."

Yui's smile faded.

"Well well, you underestimate me eh? If it fails I'll simply offer you as a sacrifice to the gods!" Yui said with a catlike face that was scary. "Then you can simply do your loopy to counter it…what, do you have so little confidence in your abilities?"

Yvonne scoffed, and then grabbed Yui's hand, which made her smile. Imogen and Cheryl with Xyelia watched intently at what Yvonne was about to do.


Yui dragged her hand out of Yvonne's grip almost as fast as Yvonne had started experimenting on the hand. Yui's hand slowly aged when Yvonne touched it and wrinkled, almost looking crispy as if burnt. Imogen raised her eyebrows at the power she'd just witnessed while Cheryl let Xyelia slip from her hold. The blue furry creature walked up to Yui to see the hand. Yui was still in pain. She then looked at Yvonne with a face that asked what kind of magic she had.

"Turn it back will you?" Xyelia said to Yvonne with a straight face.

She took Yui's hand and rubbed it gently, and the hand turned back young as Yvonne's palm left it, much to Yui's relief. Yui held her right wrist with her left hand, and examined it, folding and grabbing at the air with it as if testing it to see if it still worked well. She then snapped her fingers, and a small ball of fire formed from between her thumb and index finger as if from a lighter.

"Hmm. That was…terrific, terrifying! You really could end someone with that! Sure you don't need to wear gloves about?"

"Naah! It's all under my control, just like your magical powers," Yvonne replied Yui with a frank face.

"Hmm. Good point. So what other trucks can you show us, you know, that could be decisive in battle."

Yvonne frowned a bit, but seeing as her audience was looking interested, she didn't want to disappoint.

"Okay then. I could focus and see what's going on in the building, but it's not quite as polished."

"Show us, we'll see," Imogen said to Yvonne.

Yvonne accepted. She cleared a spot from dry leaves and sat on it, as if meditating. She closed her eyes, and then focused.

"Some young guys are engaging in a fight of sorts in one of the tents behind the building, with about twenty people watching." Imogen nodded.

"Must be Jeremy and Phineas, those hopefuls."

Yvonne continued. "Moirai's just left there, he's with an old man. They're talking…and walking…I think towards here!"

"That's master Gabi! We've already help Yvonne for too long," Yui said.

"That's right Yui! You've held onto her far too long now! Hello there Yvonne!"

An old man with long white hair and heavy beards showed up with Moirai. The old man used a walking stick to aid his walking.

"Oh…hi th…"

Yvonne's stomach growled.

Next chapter