
Killing Tikbalang Knights


Empterror is a Metal and a Wind type Soul-Beast.

Wind type Soul-Beasts are strong against the plant, brawl, insect Soul-Beasts but weak against Energy, Boulder Soul-Beasts.

Metal type Soul-Beasts are strong against a cold, boulder, and Light Soul-Beasts but weak against Flame, Earth, wind Soul-Beasts.

Empterror moves are STRONG against...

Plant, brawler, insect, cold, boulder, and Light

Empterror moves are WEAK or can only affect in normal and not very effective against...

The energy that produces electricity or lightning, boulder, flame, earth, and wind.

After analyzing, He started to transform, but again the enemy moves before him.


They threw their signature moves, psychic spear or something, but due to the distance, it won't be enough.

They also use a mist a thing, to prevent Jomels vision, Still useless.

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