
Soul Weapon

The undead troll put his hand behind his back and then pull it out again for Jomel to see.

Jomel saw giant shurikens.

He now speculates this ninja is a metal-type of Soul-Beast, for it is impossible to hide that kind of big thing behind him all the time.

Without a warning, the undead troll threw his giant shurikens in Jomel's direction!

Just like earlier, mid-air!

Shik Shik Shik Shik

Shik Shik Shik Shik

The shurikens instantly became...

Souk! Souk!

It accelerated towards him, but jomel like he always did, he just moves his body slightly the shuriken began to miss.

The under troll is not even the slightest disappointed and didn't roar!

He put his hand again on his pocket and then took out small shurikens!

Jomel thought that this guy is going to take put another giant shuriken, but the undead troll ninja took it out...




Smaller shurikens!

Next chapter