
The Sixth Floor (part 3)

After his surrender, Aito's team was deprived of their weapons, backpacks, and inventory bags. Orcs even took Ogoro thread weaver's gauntlet. They had to be blind not to see wires had come out of it after seeing many of their comrades fall or be trapped by them.

Chained, the team was forced to follow the orcs. Their leader, Krugan, kept Ogoro hostage next to it, probably in case Aito would do something it deemed unnecessary.

Sweat rapidly exited Aito's pores. With the two suns and the sand's accumulated heat, the sixth floor's temperature reached 80°C (176°F), maybe more.

Aito's metallic armor did not help cover him from this excruciating heat. Be it cold or hot, steel had the particularity to rapidly transmit temperature. Thankfully, the fur and leather underneath it slightly alleviated his plight. With his body at level 4, Aito managed to get by somehow.

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