
Watch me save myself

Aito's vision blurred. Inside him, his fractured soul was about to be eaten by the ninja's. His soul had proven to be a worthy opponent. The ninja's soul was wounded, but not as badly as Aito's soul. 

However, despite its injuries, the ninja's soul appeared to be the victor. 


Blood rapidly escaped Aito's body, flowing out of his armor onto the already red floor. There, everything seemed to stop. Images of his previous life brushed past his mind. 

His childhood, teenagerhood, some part of his adulthood. 

His decisive choices. Good and bad. Failures and successes. 

His regret.

'No… I cannot die here,' he thought. 

Pieces of memories from the tournament and the turning point in his life flashed by. His time in prison, on the fishing slave ship, and his encounter with his trusted best friend.


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