
Wild Ambition 2

Hanli inn, pu'an village. 

"You have a guest, General" the innkeeper an elderly woman in her sixties said as Lu Yaozhu and Su Liya checked into the inn. Lu Yaozhu and Su Liya exchanged surprised looks before turning back to the innkeeper. They had just arrived at Pu'an, the possibility of having a guest waiting was strange.

This was their rest spot for the night, they would continue their journey back to the capital the next day. Lu Yaozhu immediately gave the lobby a quick survey for secret weapons but there wasn't anything in sight. He glanced at the innkeeper, he squeezed Su Liya's hands to reassure her. Eyes lucked on the in keeper, he placed his left hams on the table while his right hand crept up the short sword at his waist.

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