
The Boy Who Died, So That Others May Live

  "Are you Human?"

After hearing Adele's first question, a smile appeared on William's face. He had already introduced himself, but it was quite obvious that Belle's parents didn't believe him. 

Now, they were starting to entertain the notion that he might not really be an ordinary Human, which was very obvious from Adele's question. 

"Half Human," William replied. "Half Elf. therefore I'm a Half-Elf."

William even playfully touched his ears to make his point across. It was also at that moment when Adele's and Raymond's expressions became serious.

"So, you didn't lie the first time." Adele nodded in acknowledgement. 

"There's no need to lie." William commented. "After all, even if I tell the truth, both of you will not believe me."

Adele glanced at her husband, but Raymond's gaze never left William. He was trying to scrutinize the Half-Elf in front of him and looking for the faintest of changes in the boy's expression.

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