
We, Are, Never, Alone!

After the great battle on the thirtieth floor, William, Ian, and Wendy, entered the room where the Dungeon Core was located. 

This was not the first time that William had seen a dungeon core because he had already dealt with two during the Dungeon Outbreak months ago. 

Following Takam's orders, he pressed the Ring of Conquest against the Dungeon Core of the Goblin Crypt. The core glowed brightly and illuminated the entire room. William closed his eyes because the brightness was too much for his eyes.

When the light receded, he found himself face to face with a man who seemed to be in his mid-twenties. The man had red-hair, and silver-gray eyes that seemed to be looking straight at him.

William was about to say something, but the man had beaten him into it.

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