
Lord Of The Wilds [Part 1]

The Lamassu soared in the sky as William guided it to the Southern Region of the Hellan Kingdom. It had been three days since he had his meeting with the Diabolical Hell Ape. As he expected, none of the Rulers of the Forest approached him after being given a stern warning by their Sovereign.

His next destination was the Whimsical Forest.

The place where he met Aethon, tamed the Hippogriffs, the Gryphon--Lionheart, met the Centaur Race, and captured the Wyverns. 

After the battle with the Werehyenas, the Centaur Chieftain told William that he could ask them a favor as repayment for lending his hand to save their tribe. Although the red-headed boy felt a little guilty to use the favor in this manner, he didn't have much of a choice.

What he needed now were fighters that would lend their aid to his cause. The matter of the Diabolical Hell Ape would be put on hold for now. He had no time to worry about things that were outside of his control.

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