
A Tale Of Tears, Blood, And Suffering

When William and the rest returned to the academy, they were immediately summoned by the Dean and hurriedly brought to his office.

This was the first time that William had entered the Dean's Office since he enrolled at the Royal Academy. The room was less extravagant than he initially thought it would be. He could even say that it is quite plain. Nothing stood out enough to make it look like the room of the most powerful person inside the academy.

However, although the room had nothing to offer, the person sitting in the chair facing William and the others was a different matter.

'Such a strong presence,' William thought. 

Although the Dean was only sitting on his chair, William felt as if a mountain was pressing down on his shoulders. He knew that the Dean wasn't doing this on purpose, but it was similar to the presence held by his Master, Celine, and his Grandpa, James, when they were planning to do something serious.

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