


Two down. Three more to go. Is what the Childes would have been thinking by now. We're at disadvantage here. Alpha Beast and Seven were too tired to keep the branches killing one Childe after the other. 

The three of us, Sam, Magnus and I look at each other. The cabinet creak and rattled in all corners, talons are gnashing the wood until it breaks apart. I was too shocked to move. Sam is too. But Magnus adapted the situation quickly and secure the hold of Seven on his back. 

With his crosswords, he cut off the heads of ugly black goblins aka Childe in the neck. They burst into dust around him. I didn't waste time. I grab Alpha Beast and tried to straddle him in my back. 

Strangely enough, he transform into his parrot form. Making it easier to behead hideous creatures. One I jab in the ribs, then I twist my body and scored two heads in a row. Sam is staring at me and at Magnus, wild eyed and disgusted. 

Next chapter