
102. Teamwork

"This time you can jump to catch it first. You're stronger anyways so you can make sure it's trapped." Asher was not going to let the evil chicken escape.

"No chicken is this smart. Also, have you seen any other chickens?" Jackson held a hand over his face. "You don't think this evil one killed them to take the camp for itself?"

The two boys had officially lost it and were allowing their imaginations to run wild. "Laura!!!!" Asher yelled out to hopefully get the girl's attention.

"Why so loud? I was on to a feeling that the chickens were near the cliff." Laura was sure that her guy was telling her that was where a chicken would roost.

"We have the trail of an evil chicken. We need your help to trap it." Asher was dead serious making Laura very confused.

"Ooohhhkkkk and why are you two covered in dirt again?"

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