
Tomb Part 3

Located inside the Tomb where Joan and Isaias delve deeper, the two were happy that they eliminated the enemies in the hall. Furthermore, Joan rested a bit. Still hearing some noise from the other side of the door. Even more so, they still hesitated a bit to move further.

"Nice Joan! You successfully defeated them. Well, I hope we will have smooth sailing from here forth. Or so I thought," Isaias said to Joan.

"Ah, I guess more enemies are behind this door. You can sense them right?" Joan said while facing the huge stone door.

"Beyond that is the seal site. Where the Demon Lord of Affliction once sealed. We should proceed and hurry up, the heroes are waiting for us," Isaias said to him.

"Yeah," Joan replied.

They both touched the door and Isaias closed his eyes. Joan can hear some wailings inside the door, his sense tells him that there were enemies farther from the door. Way beyond them was where the enemies were located.

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